
Why are some stars red and some blue?

Why are some stars red and some blue?

The color of a star is linked to its surface temperature. The hotter the star, the shorter the wavelength of light it will emit. The hottest ones are blue or blue-white, which are shorter wavelengths of light. Cooler ones are red or red-brown, which are longer wavelengths.

Why are the bluest stars hotter than the reddish stars?

Well, to answer this, a shorter wavelength means greater energy. This is important because if you look at the spectrum, blue photons have more eery than red photons so the blue star generates more energy and more heat than the red. To answer simply, the red stars are lower in temperature than the blue stars.

Why are blue stars brighter than red?

Color and Temperature Blue colors dominate the visible light output of very hot stars (with much additional radiation in the ultraviolet). On the other hand, cool stars emit most of their visible light energy at red wavelengths (with more radiation coming off in the infrared) (Table 1).

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Why are blue stars blue?

Blue stars are made of the same stuff as all the other stars in the Universe; they’re about 75\% hydrogen and 24\% helium with trace amounts of other elements. So what makes a blue star… The color of a star comes from its temperature. The coolest stars appear red, while the hottest stars are blue.

Which is the hotter of two stars a red star or a blue star?

4 a) A blue star will always be hotter than the red star, independent of relative radius of the stars, because the stars have the same radius, the blue star would be more luminous than red star, since the Stefan-Boltzmann law says hotter stars will emit more radiation per unit surface area than cooler stars.

What happens when a star changes color from red to blue?

As a star changes color from red to blue, describe what happens to its surface temperature? As the star’s size increases, temperature decreases.

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Why are supernovae colorful?

Why are supernovas so colorful? When a supernova explodes, all the gases from the star get released into space creating colorful blotches. The colors also have to deal with how colorful the star is. This is also called a remnant.

Why are blue stars brighter?

Blue stars are hotter than yellow stars, which are hotter than red stars. A hot star like Sirius, with a surface temperature of about 9,400 K emits more blue light than red light, so it looks brighter through a blue filter than through a red filter.

What is the surface temperature of a Red Star?

The sun has a surface temperature of 5,500 K, typical for a yellow star. Red stars are cooler than the sun, with surface temperatures of 3,500 K for a bright red star and 2,500 K for a dark red star. The hottest stars are blue, with their surface temperatures falling anywhere between 10,000 K and 50,000 K.

What is the color of the stars?

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This makes the cooler stars appear red and the stars with the higher temperatures appear blue or white. From cool to hot, the colors can appear red, orange, yellow, green and blue. If you remember the colors of the rainbow, you will see that these are in the same order. There is another important factor that can alter a stars color.

What is the difference between blue and Red Stars?

Blue: a region with many young stars. High-mass stars live fast and die young, using fuel at a high rate to maintain high temperatures. This causes them to emit hot radiation, which is blueish (google “blackbody radiation” to find out why). Red: a region of old stars.

Why are stars with high mass red in colour?

The high-mass stars have swollen and cooled, and the low-mass stars were never hot to begin with, so they both emit cool radiation, which is reddish. patches of red/pink: a so-called HII (“H-two”) region.