
Why are people in entertainment paid so much?

Why are people in entertainment paid so much?

On the most basic level, actors are paid so much because people pay so much to see them. People like to be entertained and they are willing to pay to enjoy themselves watch great actors on screen. It doesn’t seem like much, but most people are spending a fair amount of money to watch actors work.

Why are athletes paid so much?

So athletes in popular sports make a lot more money than important people such as teachers, police officers and firefighters. These businesses pay the money because they know millions of fans will watch the games. TV networks then sell ads for cars, pizza and lots of other stuff that they show during the games.

Why do sports celebrities earn more than nurses and is it fair?

It’s because top sports players are very scarce compared to the huge demand for their services from fans, promoters and sponsors. The bottom line is that a great many more people have the ability to be nurses than to be a Floyd Mayweather or a James Harden.

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Who is the most overpaid athlete?

John Wall had a cap hit of $41.3 million during the 2020-2021 season but struggled on the court, making him the most overpaid athlete in pro sports.

Do musicians make more than athletes?

The Results It wasn’t a total landslide, but of the combined $2.8 Billion earned by the top 50 combined, the top 25 Musicians earned about $400 Million more than their athlete counterparts. In fact, the top three and seven out of the top ten are in the musician group.

Who makes more money than the most paid doctors?

LeBron James, Taylor Swift, Adele and Cam Newton all make well over double the most paid doctor, Salomon Melgen makes a year. Kylie Jenner makes 175 times more than the most paid police officers make.

Should actors be paid more for their profession?

So there is no justification in saying that pay actors more because their profession is risky. Also evenif it is agreed upon to pay more, the difference shouldnt be this huge. It should be made reasonable.

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Why do celebrities make so much money?

They are essentially entertainers, promoters for products, and they make their own products such as shoes, cosmetics, clothing, and more. So this means people who are essentially in jobs that are just for our entertainment are making that much more than people who are in careers that save people’s lives.

Do people care about engineers/doctors?

However, this is completely baseless, humans surviving because of engineers/doctors only, from your wake up till night and till you sleep again, everything is gift of technology, medical and engineers . They are the necessity, without them, humans barely will survive, but yes people don’t care.