
Why are my tulsi leaves small?

Why are my tulsi leaves small?

Small leaves in a basil plant are typically caused by a lack of nutrients, insufficient exposure to sunlight, lack of nutrients in the soil, or a small container.

How can I make tulsi leaves bigger?

To grow tulsi plant bushy, there is one best working solution, pinching the top new leaves when the plant is about six inches tall to make more branches and more leaves and stronger plant, other helpful things are giving good soil, fertilizer, enough sunlight, sufficient watering to make the plant bushier and stronger.

What happens if tulsi plant is not growing?

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The first thing you do is to make sure it is dead by scratching the stem with something pointed. There are still some chances of reviving the plant if the insides are green. Secondly, you can reuse the dried seeds, if any, from the plant to regrow another Tulsi plant from it.

How make tulsi plant grow faster?

Tulsi plant require worm environment for its best growth as worm temperature help Tulsi plant to boost growth and grow very fast so always grow then in direct sunlight. Soil rich in nutrients will also help Tulsi plant to grow fast as tulsi plant absorbs most of the nutrients in the starting period i.e first 3 months.

What is the best fertilizer for Tulsi plant?

Epsom salt and cow manure is the best organic fertilizer for the tulsi plant. Give them a complete dose of fertilizer to the plant. Then they will grow very well and survive well.

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Which fertilizer is best for Tulsi plant?

To the soil with an inch of rich compost every 6 months. The best fertilizer for tulsi plants is a balanced Casa De Amor Special Tulsi Plant Fertilizer and can be applied every few weeks.

Which fertilizer is best for tulsi plant?

What fertilizer is good for tulsi?

How do you grow Tulsi from cuttings?

The easiest way to propagate a tulsi plant is to take a cutting from a healthy mother plant. Take cuttings in the spring or summer months: these should be a few inches long, with a couple of leaves. Plant the cutting in a small pot containing moist, fresh potting soil.

Why is my Tulsi plant dying?

Tulsi needs high amount of water. If you water in the morning, the plant dries up by the evening. This happens even when I used platic pots to reduce evaporation. So disbalance of watering can be a reason of dying. Tulsi seems not to like cool atmosphere.

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What is the difference between Basil and Tulsi?

Basil is a gardener’s dream plant. In fact, the more you cut this useful little herb, the more it grows! It also comes in a host of varieties, one of which is the tulsi plant ( Ocimum sanctum ). Tulsi is a purple-tinted plant with a distinct peppery aroma. It’s also known as “holy basil” or “sacred basil.”

How much space do you need between Tulsi plants?

Leave a space of 18 inches between plants if you’re planting more than one. Tulsi thrives best in loamy or fertile soil. Good drainage is essential for healthy plants, and soil with a pH level of 6 to 7.5 is best.