
Why are INTP so sensitive?

Why are INTP so sensitive?

They need to be able to process everything and analyze it, in order to feel less drained by it all. This can also be something which is recognized as a good thing, making the INTP so much more sensitive to the slightest changes.

Are INTP sensitive to criticism?

INTPs may be sensitive to criticism because they don’t like being seen as incompetent. They will be objective to a fault by keeping their emotions aside to look at what went wrong and how they can adjust so they don’t make that kind of mistake again.

Why do INTPs get hurt easily?

INTPs can be sensitive to getting hurt feelings without fully realizing that they are, since they have a tendency to bury things inside in hopes that they will go away. Sometimes neglecting those emotions can make them worse and cause them to fester as they go unresolved for so long.

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What is an INTP personality type?

INTPs are people who favor logic over emotions, but that does not mean they do not possess a sensitive side. They often lack understanding of their own emotions, which can sometimes cause them to bottle up their feelings. INTPs prefer to search for a logical understanding of things, especially when it comes to emotions.

How do INTPs feel about emotions?

INTPs feel more at ease focusing on facts and information, things which they can analyze and understand. When it comes to emotions they can struggle to fully understand them, since emotions aren’t things which are always based on factual information and cannot be tangible in this way.

Why do INTPs not like introverted thinking?

Because INTPs value Introverted Thinking to such a strong degree they can risk over-using it or relying on it at the expense of their other functions. They may appear overly critical, or they may become tied to their internal model or framework of how things work and refuse to accept new data.