Tips and tricks

Why are flashlights called torches in the UK?

Why are flashlights called torches in the UK?

Currently voted the best answer. In the UK, they were in fact ‘electric torches’ at first, and if I remember correctly, are called that in Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons books (from around the 1930s). As on the whole we had given up using large smoky things for light, the ‘electric’ bit got dropped.

Is a flashlight called a torch in England?

A flashlight (US, Canada) or torch (UK, Australia) is a portable hand-held electric light. Formerly, the light source typically was a miniature incandescent light bulb, but these have been displaced by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) since the mid-2000s.

What is the British word for a flashlight?

Also called, especially British, torch . a small, portable electric lamp powered by dry batteries, LEDs, or a tiny generator.

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Why do we call it a torch?

Etymology. From the Old French “torche” meaning “twisted thing”, hence “torch formed of twisted tow dipped in wax”, probably from Vulgar Latin *torca, alteration of Late Latin torqua, variant of classical Latin torques “collar of twisted metal”, from torquere “to twist”.

Why do British people call trunks boots?

The usage of the word “trunk” comes from it being the word for a large travelling chest, as such trunks were often attached to the back of the vehicle before the development of integrated storage compartments in the 1930s; while the usage of the word “boot” comes from the word for a built-in compartment on a horse- …

Are torches British or American?

British vs American Vocabulary

British English ↕ American English ↕
torch flashlight
trousers pants, trousers
tube (train) subway
underground (train) subway

What is a torch in Australia?

What is a torch? A torch is a portable handheld electric lamp which is battery powered.

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What is the difference between a torch and a flashlight?

Modern torches are generally electric, powered by batteries. That is why British people call, er, torches “torches”. Now a flashlight is a bit different. A flashlight is a light that can flash. The clue is in the name really. Some torches are flashlights, but not all.

Why do Americans call torches “flashlights”?

But in the USA it recently became usual to refer to any torch as a “flashlight”, regardless of whether it can actually flash or not. So the real question is why do Americans call torches “flashlights”. And the answer is just one of those vagaries of the way languages evolve.

Why is a torch called a torch?

Because something that lights the way forward in the dark is called a torch. It’s basic English language. A torch could be a lit piece of wood, or an electrical thing that shines a light. It’s usually battery powered, but clockwork ones do exist.

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Why are flashlights called flashlights?

I believe the word flashlight came about because of the very poor quality of American torches which used to flash due to poor battery connections or ineffective bulbs, or just shit batteries. Or just a shit poorly made cheap crappy product. Because something that lights the way forward in the dark is called a torch. It’s basic English language.