
Why am I so afraid of going to the doctor?

Why am I so afraid of going to the doctor?

There can be many reasons a person has a fear of doctors. It could be fear of certain medical procedures, the pain of certain procedures, an anticipated diagnosis, fear that developed due to a bad experience with a certain doctor or during a prior visit to a doctor.

How bad can hypochondria get?

Besides the worry and stress hypochondria causes, it can also result in major life problems. It can ruin relationships as friends and family grow weary of hearing about imagined health complaints. It can be a huge financial burden to continue to see doctors and have needless and expensive medical tests.

What is coat syndrome?

What is white coat syndrome? Some people find that their blood pressure is normal at home, but rises slightly when they’re at the doctor. This is known as white coat syndrome, or the white coat effect. The syndrome gets its name from doctors and medical staff who sometimes wear white coats in a professional setting.

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Are You a hypochondriac and suffering from health anxiety?

Being a hypochondriac and experiencing health anxiety can be debilitating. It can severely affect the lives of the people who suffer from it.  The mental health professionals at The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Delray Beach, Florida are experienced in helping those with illness anxiety.

Should you go to the doctor if you’re a hypochondriac?

On the flip side, it’s not uncommon for hypochondriacs to completely avoid the doctor. As Dr. Greuner says, “If they defer all doctor appointments even though they repeatedly express their concern of a serious disease, this can also be a red flag for hypochondria as they fear the results could come back exactly what they think it is.”

What are the signs of a hypochondriac?

“One of the most common signs of hypochondria is the tendency to doubt your doctor’s competency,” Caleb Backe, a health and wellness expert at Maple Holistics, tells Bustle. “This often leads to seeking additional opinions until they eventually decide to disregard medical professionals altogether.”

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How many people are diagnosed as hypochondriacs each year?

Hypochondria accounts for about five percent of outpatient medical care annually. More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with health anxiety (also known as illness anxiety disorder) each year. Hypochondriac Symptoms Hypochondria is a mental health disorder.