
Who would win in a fight between John Wick and Rambo?

Who would win in a fight between John Wick and Rambo?

A battle between John Wick and John Rambo would end as a draw. John Wick would have the advantage in an urban area, while Rambo would win in the wilderness. But, on a neutral field, their abilities are on an equal level and there would be no clear winner. Our comparison is going to be divided into three sections.

Was there a soldier like Rambo?

John Rambo was a soldier of the U.S. Army who fought in the Vietnam War, and he was a member of the elite force, the Green Beret. Rambo was so iconic that he became a legend. In real life, Americans indeed had a Rambo. He was Master Sergeant Raul Perez “Roy” Benevidez, aka Tango Mike Mike.

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What military rank was John Rambo?

We know this is the most likely option since Rambo acted on his draft right out of high school and enlisted in the regular Army as an NCO before somewhere in-between his nine years of service, becoming a low-rank officer.

Did Sylvester Stallone serve in Vietnam?

Stallone spent several years during the Vietnam War as a girls’ athletic coach at an American school in Switzerland. He did not serve in the military because of a student deferment and later a medical deferment.

Are Green Berets really like Rambo?

The United States Army Special Forces, known as the Green Berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are a special operations force and the primary special forces of the United States Army. John Rambo and Colonel Sam Trautman were both Green Berets with the Special Forces.

How does Barnes feel about his fellow platoon leader?

Barnes and his fellow leader, Sgt. Elias, don’t see eye-to-eye on how the platoon should be run. The strict Barnes believes in following orders, regardless of any moral objections. As he puts it, “Now, I got no fight with any man who does what he’s told. But when he don’t, the machine breaks down.

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What is Barnes’s interest in combat?

The strict Barnes believes in following orders, regardless of any moral objections. As he puts it, “Now, I got no fight with any man who does what he’s told. But when he don’t, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down!” Interests… combat. Barnes looks and acts like a born solider.

What happened to Rambo in the Vietnam War?

On November 4, 1971, Rambo joined a guerrilla mission behind enemy lines, where his unit was ambushed and Rambo was shot in the leg and captured by the Viet Cong, later being taken to a POW camp near the Chinese-Vietnamese border.

What is Rambo’s personality in first blood?

John James Rambo is the main protagonist of the Rambo film series and David Morell’s novel First Blood. A former Vietnam veteran and highly skilled Green Beret, Rambo returned from the war as a decorated, but disturbed hero. He is filled with self-loathing and hates killing, but is willing to use his skills to protect those close to him.