Tips and tricks

Who would win in a fight Batman or Nightwing?

Who would win in a fight Batman or Nightwing?

In terms of general physical characteristics, Batman is superior to Nightwing. Sure, Nightwing is strong and is excellently trained, but Batman has reached a peak level of all of these characteristics and he is just stronger, has better endurance and is faster than Nightwing.

Does Nightwing not like Batman?

10 Dick Grayson Hates Batman For Making Him Into A Weapon In The TV Series. But, in the Teen Titans series, he deeply resents Batman for taking him in as a child and teaching him how to become a violent vigilante just like him. He’s afraid that he’ll become as dark and dysfunctional as Bruce Wayne.

Answer Wiki. Batman would win, although Dick Grayson (Nightwing) is the first robin and batman is his mentor, batman has at his disposal: Utility belt that houses an assortment of gadgets, gases, batarangs etc. Batman has mastered every fighting style.

Who is more agile Nightwing or Bruce Wayne?

Nightwing is more agile than Bruce in that he has a natural born talent for acrobatics, and there are several stylized techniques he has performed which Bruce would not be able to mimic due to a combination of drag from his cape and the simple fact that he has too much bulk to fully imitate someone with more slim like Dick.

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Is Nightwing more intelligent than Batman?

Nightwing has been stated to be Batman’s equal, not his superior. However, people tend to oversell just how wide those gaps are. Nightwing may not be on the same level as Bruce in terms of tactical ability (in that he has never made contingency plans for the Justice League) but he is not unintelligent by any means.

Why do Nightwing and Batman fans hate each other?

This issue is a source of contention between Nightwing and Batman fans. Nightwing fans tend to argue that it is proof of Nightwing’s superiority while Batman fans tend to argue that Bruce was holding back. Realistically, both sides are right to a degree.