
Who were devotees to Vishnu?

Who were devotees to Vishnu?

Vaishnavism, also called Vishnuism, one of the major forms of modern Hinduism, characterized by devotion to the god Vishnu and his incarnations (avatars). A devotee of Vishnu is called a Vaishnava.

What did Narada ask for Lord Vishnu?

Narad was a devoted sage of Lord Vishnu. One day, he asked Vishnu if there was anyone who was more devoted than him. Vishnu said, “To find out, come down to earth with me.”

Who devoted Vishnu to Shiva?

Nayanars Alvars
The Nayanars were a group of 63 saints devoted to Lord Shiva who lived during the 6th to 8th centuries CE….Difference Between Nayanars and Alvars.

Nayanars Alvars
Nayanars were devoted to Lord Shiva and his avatars Alvars were devoted to Lord Vishnu and his avatars
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Who was Ravana incarnation of?

In the Bhagavata Purana, Ravana and his brother, Kumbhakarna, were said to be reincarnations of Jaya, and Vijaya, gatekeepers at Vaikuntha, the abode of Vishnu and were cursed to be born in Earth for their insolence.

Why did Vishnu take the form of Narasimha to protect his devotees?

Brahma granted his wish, and soon, Hiranyakashipu started creating havoc in heaven and on earth. When he found out about his son Prahlada’s deep devotion to Vishnu, the demon king decided to kill him. To protect his devotee, Vishnu took the form of Narasimha, a human with the head and claws of a lion.

What is the relationship between the asuras and the Devas?

The Puranas paint the kinship of the Asuras and Devas. According to which Kashyapa, who married the 13 daughters of Prajapati is the father to all beings on earth including Devas, Asuras, Manavas or humans and the entire animal world. Asuras being older are recalled as the primal gods of ancient times and the predecessors of the Devas.

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Who were the Asuras in Hinduism?

Asuras were perceived as the lesser beings of the dark or underworld, who were in constant battle with the Devas or gods, yet were closely related to them. The Puranas paint the kinship of the Asuras and Devas.

How did Vishnu rescue Bhudevi from Hiranyaksha?

When the demon, Hiranyaksha, kidnapped the earth goddess, Bhudevi, and hid her in the cosmic ocean, signifying the end of a yuga, it was Vishnu who rescued her, taking the form of a boar. It wasn’t an easy battle; Varaha battled Hiranyaksha for a thousand years before the demon was slain.