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Who sent Petunia a howler in Order of the Phoenix?

Who sent Petunia a howler in Order of the Phoenix?

Albus Dumbledore
Letter information This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter” into her home.

Who sent Petunia the letter?

Delivered via This letter was written by Albus Dumbledore on 1 November 1981 to Petunia Dursley. The letter detailed the wards that would be created if she were to take in her nephew, Harry Potter, until he was seventeen.

Who sent Petunia the howler Reddit?

In the order of the pheonix page 41 Aunt Petunia read the howler that I believe Dumbledore sent to her. It said ‘Remember my last, Petunia.

What happened to Vernon’s sister?

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That “fat lady” is Marjorie Dursley, Vernon Dursley’s older sister and Harry Potter’s aunt. “Aunt Marge” was inadvertently blown up like a balloon on the last night of a week-long visit in 1993 because she’d gotten on Harry’s last nerve.

Who gave Harry Potter’s aunt Petunia a howler?

Harry Potter ‘s Aunt Petunia received a Howler on 2 August 1995 from Albus Dumbledore after Vernon Dursley threatened to kick Harry out of their home after two Dementors attacked Harry and his cousin, Dudley in Little Whinging.

Why did Dumbledore write a howler to Petunia Dursley?

This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter ” into her home. , Reader and fanfic writer of Harry Potter.

What did the howler remind Petunia of?

The Howler reminded Petunia of her pact to keep Harry safe at 4 Privet Drive. Howlers were among the various magical items that appeared as Foundables during the Calamity, which affected the Wizarding world in the 2010s.

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Who wrote the howler in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix?

The author of the Howler received by Petunia Dursley at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is identified at the end of the novel as none other than Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.