
Who says supper and who says dinner?

Who says supper and who says dinner?

North America. The distinction between dinner and supper was common in North American farming communities into the twentieth century, especially in the Mid-West and the American South, though today, most Americans consider the two synonyms and strongly prefer the term dinner for the evening meal.

WHO uses the term supper?

Today, you might notice that the term “supper” is more commonly used in Southern and Midwestern states, probably due to those regions having a greater reliance on agriculture than Northern states and thus having more ancestors who were farmers. The way you say these other 9 words will tell us where you’re from, too.

Where did the term supper come from?

Supper stems from the word “sup,” and it’s also related to the German word for soup (“suppe”). According to the English Language & Usage Stack Exchange, families would put on a pot of soup to simmer throughout the day and eat it later in the evening, which was also known as “supping” the hot soup.

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Is it dinner or supper in Texas?

The answer: “dinner” is the standard name for the main meal. You can’t go wrong referring to an evening meal this way. The word supper is still used today but is not as common.

Is dinner called supper in the South?

It’s not necessarily an American South or Midwestern tradition, but instead is a farming families’ trademark. Because the Southern and Midwestern states were heavily agricultural, supper was implicitly the lighter, late evening meal and dinner was the larger, main meal of the day.

Is supper a British word?

Dinner and supper are both used to refer to the main meal of the day, and especially to that meal as eaten in the evening. In some dialects and especially in British English, supper can also refer to a light meal or snack that is eaten late in the evening.

Is supper a Southern term?

Is supper Northern or Southern?

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Back then, the heavy noon meal was known as “dinner” and the light evening meal was called “supper.” It makes sense that in the south, where a large percentage of the population farmed, we referred to the meal we ate at night as “supper.” (That’s also a reason Thanksgiving and Christmas meals are typically called ” …

Is Supper and dinner the same thing?

Dinner and breakfast mean the same thing but breakfast is always the first meal of the day. Dinner is always the largest most significant meal of the day. Lunch is a mid day light meal and supper is a small evening meal.

Which is correct Supper or dinner?

Dinner or supper is the evening meal between 5 to 7 pm, or if later than that, more likely to be called as a “late dinner” or “late supper”. In some regions in the US, people call lunch (midday meal) to refer to dinner while others call dinner as supper. Either way, both regarded as the main meal of the day.

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Does dinner come before supper?

Dinner is a primary meal eaten before supper. Supper is a primary meal eaten after dinner. Lunch can replace dinner for many, however, we have to remember that not all cultures operate on a three meal per day schedule. Looking at the root word of each meal, you can infer a greater understanding.

Does Supper or dinner come first?

The timing of these meals tends to be more flexible, but a family “supper” is generally eaten at around half past seven, while a “dinner” would usually be later , from half past eight onwards.