
Who is the most famous fictional character?

Who is the most famous fictional character?

The 100 Most Iconic Fictional Characters Superman (first appearance: 1938) Created by Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster for Action Comics #1 (DC Comics). Mickey Mouse (1928) Created by Walt Disney and Ub Iworks for Steamboat Willie. James Bond (1953) Created by Ian Fleming for nov el Casino Royale. Bugs

Who is the most powerful fictional character without being a god?

Kirby is likely the most powerful fictional character that isn’t a creator of the universe or a god or deity of any type. Literally destroyed deities and planets over a piece of cake lol.

What is the most powerful superhero in the world?

GOKU with Mastered ultra instinct is the most powerful character as of now. 3 Superman Superman is a comic character. And probably the first powerful superhero in the fictional world. The character was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, high school students living in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1933.

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What are some of the most popular cartoon characters in history?

Superman (first appearance: 1938) Created by Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster for Action Comics #1 (DC Comics). Mickey Mouse (1928) Created by Walt Disney and Ub Iworks for Steamboat Willie. James Bond (1953) Created by Ian Fleming for nov el Casino Royale. Bugs Bunny (1940) Created by Warner Bros and originally voiced by Mel Blanc.

What are some well-developed characters in literature?

Some well-developed characters are: In American literature, Santiago, the old man in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea. In British literature, as Jay said, Sherlock Holmes, and I will add Bertie Wooster in P. G. Wodehouse’s novels. In Spanish literature, Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quijote.

What makes a great character?

To be clear: a great character isn’t always one you like (just ask Claire Messud), but one that is somehow extraordinary, or evokes some kind of delicious story-feeling in the reader.