
Who is stronger than Levi Ackerman?

Who is stronger than Levi Ackerman?

2. There is Stronger Than Levi. Aside from Levi, there is another officer who has his squad. That man is Mike Zacharias.

Can Levi beat Inosuke?

Levi has a slight disadvantage, since he is more used to fighting Titans than other swordsmen, though it’s not that difficult for him to adjust to Inosuke’s fighting style. Levi would see right through blunt attacks like those and cut Inosuke down before he realizes what’s happening, thus making Levi the winner.

Who is the strongest AOT character?

Attack On Titan: 10 Strongest Characters That Aren’t Titans,…

  1. 1 Levi. Humanity’s strongest soldier is Levi.
  2. 2 Mikasa. After her parents were murdered, Mikasa joined Eren in avenging the killers.
  3. 3 Mike.
  4. 4 Erwin.
  5. 5 Kenny.
  6. 6 Hange.
  7. 7 Oluo.
  8. 8 Petra.
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How did Levi become captain?

So, as far as we can work out, here’s what we know from canon… Levi joins the Survey Corps, under the command of Keith Shadis, in 844, presumably with the rank of solider. Six years later, in 850, the Battle of Trost takes place and by this time Levi is captain and the Survey Corps is under Erwin’s command.

Can Demon Tanjiro beat DEKU?

Deku Will beat most versions of Tanjiro except Demon King Tanjiro on where Deku can lose by losing Stamina. Demon King Tanjiro cannot be killed. He is immune to sun and mere punches would not kill him. He will regenerate back.

How does Tanjiro beat Levi in a fight?

While Levi relies on ODM gear and momentum, Tanjiro moves with his whole body and cant rely on momentum to give his attacks more oomph. Feats-wise Levi managed to push away the hand of the Female Titan with just his foot, even though the Titan was tired she still easily possessed the strength to destroy a building.

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Could Tanjiro have won the fight against Giyu?

If Tanjiro is unfortunate enough to find himself on the wrong side of Giyu’s sword, there’s no way Tanjiro is winning that fight. To call Inosuke a wild card would be an understatement.

Could Tanjiro beat a lower demon Moon?

Dude would get wrecked in less time than it takes Tanjiro to finish off a Lower Demon Moon. It’s sad because this fight could actually happen. Unlike most on this list which would have no reason to occur, Tanjiro could probably smell the demonic power of Hiei.

Can Tanjiro beat any of the Demon Slayer Corps characters?

But he’s also basically a newbie within the Demon Slayer Corps, so there are still plenty of characters still able to defeat him. Here’s 5 characters Tanjiro can beat, and 5 he can’t. First up on the list of characters Tanjiro is unable to defeat is the man who trained Tanjiro to become a Demon Slayer in the first place, Urokodaki.