
Who is stronger bear or elephant?

Who is stronger bear or elephant?

All factors at play in a fight between a bear and an elephant are next to impossible. However, in case of a fight, an elephant would most definitely win. Even the largest bear species is almost three times lighter and twice as smaller than an elephant.

Who would win in a fight an elephant or a polar bear?

Elephant hands down. Size and strength are HEAVILY in the elephants favor. The polar bear would have to stand on his hind legs at some part to have a chance to protect or deliver any type of blow. It would be ineffective at best and also expose him to being head butt and trampled or gored.

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Which animal can beat bear?

Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, and Buffalo/Bull/similar creature all have a significant size advantage and could overpower and beat a Grizzly. A Giraffe would also be able to fight a bear, one kick or head swing can kill a Lion.

Who would win bear or hippo?

Although a bear is large, has sharp teeth and claws, it would not win in a fight against a hippo. All it takes is one bite from the hippo and it would snap that bear in half. The hippo has a super strong grip once it bites down on its prey, or when defending itself from a bear.

Who would win hippo vs polar bear?

Although the polar bear would be faster and could beat the hippo if it were tactical enough, they are just animals and would probably just go in on one another. All would take for the hippo to beat the polar bear is one good bite.

Would an elephant beat Rhino?

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Elephant are much bigger and heavier. The elephant would use its tusks and feet to attack but the rhino would possibly have the upper hand. A rhino can run at up to 50 km/h. With this considerable speed and agility the rhino would be able to strike first with it’s incredibly sharp horn of solid keratins.

How strong is an elephant compared to a grizzly bear?

A fully grown, male grizzly bear weighs 270kg and while there are multiple species of elephant, even the smallest of them weighs 10 times as much, the biggest elephants can weigh 7000kg. Needless to say, elephants have the size advantage which translates fairly well into a strength advantage.

How does the elephant defeat the Bear in the story?

The elephant turns around, and walks toward the bear pointing its huge tusks at it. You just made the biggest mistake of your life… and your last one. The elephant than proceeds to trample and smash the poor bear until it’s nothing more than a bloody stain on the ground. The bear is left dead. Dont underestimate the African elephant.

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What is the difference between an elephant and a bear?

At birth elephants can weigh 120kg. The Asian Elephant can weigh over 4000 kg with males on average measuring up to 2.4m high (Adult, At Shoulder). Bears, on the other hand, can be as small as four feet long and about 27kg (the sun bear) to as big as eight feet long and more than 450 kg (the polar bear).

Can an elephant kill a grizzly bear?

And elephants are not limited to head-to-head combat; they can trample or simply kneel on an enemy to crush it flat. The size disparity makes it starkly apparent that the bear does not stand a chance: an average male Yellowstone grizzly is about 600 pounds; a Serengeti elephant bull is six tons, or 12,000 pounds.