
Who is most powerful man in Ramayana?

Who is most powerful man in Ramayana?

He is regarded as one of the greatest warriors in Hindu texts. He was mentioned in the Indian epic Ramayana. Indrajit played an active role in the great war between Rama and Ravana. He acquired many kinds of celestial weapons from his Guru Shukra….Indrajit.

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Is Ram God or man?

Commenting on Lord Rama he said, “Nowhere in the epic ‘Ramayana’ written by Maharshi Valmiki, Ram is said to be God neither Ram claims to be one. He was a human.” He said that the duo were responsible for caste-based discrimination too.

Who is powerful RAM or Vishnu?

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Originally Answered: Who is bigger God Vishnu,Krishna or Ram? It’s absolutely rubbish to compare the God because God is one. The form in which we recognise the supreme power is different and depends on the sub-communities of Hindu religion. Vaishnav recognise God in form of Vishnu(or his Incarnation, Ram and Krishana).

What is the full name of Lord Rama?

full name is: Raghu Rama. however, the names like ayodhyapati, daasarathi, purushothama, kousalyanandana, sitapathi etc. are not the actual names. they are given names by people mentioning he is the king of ayodhya, son of dasaratha, son of kousalya, ideal man, husband of sitadevi.

What is the full name of RAM in Hinduism?

As per my opinion, the full name of Ram is ‘Ram Dhashrath Raghu’ or ‘Ram Dashrath Ishvaaku’, where Raghu/Ishvaaku is the surname. You may wish to view a similar answer: Deep Shah’s answer to Why do all the Hindu mythological characters – be it Ram, Laxman, Sita, Yudhisthira, Arjun etc, not have surname

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What is the cultural significance of Ram Rama?

Rama was one of many ideas and cultural themes adopted, others being the Buddha, the Shiva and host of other Brahmanic and Buddhist ideas and stories. In particular, the influence of Rama and other cultural ideas grew in Java, Bali, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.

What is the last name of King Ram?

Varma is a traditional surname for Kshatriyas. You can just say Ram. As He was a Suryavamshi king, he did not jeed any last nake for recognition. His Clan was such that wherever he went, his glow automatically will tell us that he was a Suryaputra. So, Ram did not need any last name. Still, we can add Suryavamshi or Raghuvamshi for convinience.