Tips and tricks

Who is better varys or Littlefinger?

Who is better varys or Littlefinger?

Though Varys is a more likable character, we have seen few tangible results to his scheming, as opposed to Littlefinger’s actions, which have influenced almost every major event in the series from day one. It seemed to me that Littlefinger is the obvious winner.

Was Littlefinger a good person?

Petyr Baelish was one of the most manipulative and diabolical characters in Game of Thrones. He was good at what he did, which is why he got away with so much. But in a show full of villains, Littlefinger always stood out. Everyone else had someone they worked for.

Is Tyrion smarter than baelish?

Yes! Littlefinger is quite close, but not as clever as Tyrion. Tyrion convinced his father to make him the hand of king in the absence of his father.

What happened to Petyr Baelish on Game of Thrones?

Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger to most, was really the catalyst for what came to pass on Game of Thrones. He didn’t get the ending he wanted, but he certainly set everything into motion with his manipulation and lies. He wasn’t as smart as he thought he was in the end, but that didn’t make him any less evil.

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Who is Littlefinger in Game of Thrones?

―Petyr Baelish to Varys [src] Lord Petyr Baelish, popularly called Littlefinger, was the Master of Coin on the small council under King Robert Baratheon and King Joffrey Baratheon. He was a skilled manipulator and used his ownership of brothels in King’s Landing to both accrue intelligence on political rivals and acquire vast wealth.

How did Lord Baelish gain power in Westeros?

Baelish’s spy network is eclipsed only by that of his arch-rival Varys. Eager to gain power, he orchestrated a huge conflict in Westeros via multiple conspiracies and assassinations, which effectively began the War of the Five Kings that ultimately lead to the destruction of several major houses.

How do you pronounce Petyr Baelish?

According to the TV series official pronunciation guide developed for the cast and crew, “Petyr Baelish” is pronounced “PEE-ter BAY-lish”, i.e. like the normal given name “Peter”. See also Petyr Baelish on A Wiki of Ice and Fire