
Who is Andrew Carnegie and what is he known for?

Who is Andrew Carnegie and what is he known for?

Andrew Carnegie, (born November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland—died August 11, 1919, Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.), Scottish-born American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era.

How did Carnegie become famous?

Scottish-born Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was an American industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry then became a major philanthropist. In the early 1870s, he entered the steel business, and over the next two decades became a dominant force in the industry.

What was important about Andrew Carnegie?

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was one of the most successful businessmen and most recognized philanthropists in history. His entrepreneurial ventures in America’s steel industry earned him millions and he, in turn, made great contributions to social causes such as public libraries, education and international peace.

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What was Carnegie greatest achievement?

His most significant contribution, both in money and enduring influence, was the establishment of several trusts or institutions bearing his name, including: Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Foundation (supporting the Peace …

What is the meaning of Carnegie?

someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise. altruist, philanthropist. someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being. United States educator famous for writing a book about how to win friends and influence people (1888-1955) synonyms: Dale …

What is Andrew Carnegie’s legacy?

According to Carnegie Corporation of New York President Vartan Gregorian, “The legacy of Andrew Carnegie celebrates the power of the individual, enabled and empowered to live freely and to think independently, as well as the power of an educated citizenry and a strong democracy.

What was Andrew Carnegie’s legacy?

Why do people pronounce Carnegie wrong?

But, as you suggest, most New Yorkers refer to “KAHR-nuh-gee Hall,” and the best-selling writer Dale Carnegie made friends and influenced people by pronouncing his last name that way too. Because “KAHR-nuh-gee” is so common, many dictionaries list this rendering as the preferred pronunciation.

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What nationality is the name Carnegie?

Carnegie Name Meaning Scottish: habitational name from a place called Carnegie, near Carmyllie in Angus, probably named in Gaelic as cathair an eige ‘fort at the gap’.

What did Andrew Carnegie say about libraries?

Andrew Carnegie believed that a free public library gave people the chance educate and lift themselves whatever their origins in terms of wealth and status. I believe that many libraries are in trouble today because they have forgotten their core mission and focused instead on the old mechanics of delivering education.

How did Andrew Carnegie say his name?

Carnegie was, of course, born Scottish, and the correct pronunciation of his name is car-NAY-gie,” said Susan King, a spokeswoman for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the grant-making organization established by the philanthropist.

What makes Andrew Carnegie a wealthy man?

That’s exactly what Andrew Carnegie did. After retiring in 1901 at the age of 66 as the world’s richest man, Andrew Carnegie wanted to become a philanthropist, a person who gives money to good causes. He believed in the ” Gospel of Wealth ,” which meant that wealthy people were morally obligated to give their money back to others in society.

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What are some bad things about Andrew Carnegie?

Andrew Carnegie was a famous philanthropist and a very successful businessman. However,one thing he did that was bad was to not pay his workers a good wage. The workers long hours and in very dangerous environments. The workers did not make enough to have a decent standard of living.

What did Andrew Carnegie contribute to America?

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was one of the most successful businessmen and most recognized philanthropists in history. His entrepreneurial ventures in America’s steel industry earned him millions and he, in turn, made great contributions to social causes such as public libraries, education and international peace.

How did Andrew Carnegie acquired his wealth?

Andrew Carnegie made his fortune through the production of steel. He was the first manufacturer to control every aspect of his product’s development, from the raw materials to the technology used to refine it. Because of this, he was able to build a large number of factories and supply jobs to those willing to work.