Who founded eregion?

Who founded eregion?

After some seven centuries, Celebrimbor, the grandson of Fëanor, chose to depart from Lindon and passed eastward, drawn by the promise of mithril in the mines of the Dwarves. Many Elves followed Celebrimbor and founded the realm of Eregion.

Is celeborn related to Celebrimbor?

Celeborn ruled the fief of Harlindon, which was composed mostly of Sindar, under High King Gil-galad. Galadriel and Celeborn crossed into Eriador with many Noldor, Sindar, and Green-elves in their following. It was ruled by Celebrimbor, grandson of Fëanor and the distant half-cousin of Galadriel.

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Did Celebrimbor forge the Rings?

In Tolkien’s stories, Celebrimbor is an elven-smith who was manipulated into forging the Rings of Power by the disguised villain Sauron, who then secretly makes the One Ring to gain control over all the other Rings and dominate Middle-earth, setting in motion the events of The Lord of the Rings.

Who lived in eregion?

Eregion, later known as Hollin, was a realm of the Ñoldorin elves during the Second Age, located near the West-gate of Moria. It was a rare elven kingdom, for the relations with the dwarves were cordial and both sides traded freely.

Are celeborn and Galadriel related?

Celeborn was the Lord of Lothlórien, and the husband of Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood. He was said to be one of the wisest Elves in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age.

Are Galadriel and celebrimbor related?

Celebrimbor was the grandson of Fëanor. He was Galadriel’s first cousin once-removed (although Fëanor and Galadriel’s father Finarfin were only half-brothers).

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How is Celebrimbor related to Galadriel?

What happened to the Elves of eregion?

The surviving Elves of Eregion seem to have scattered, as there are various accounts of their fates. Some fled northward to join Elrond’s host, and that host was itself forced into retreat; some of these Elves of Eregion settled at Rivendell when Elrond founded it shortly afterwards.

Who lives in Enedwaith?

Location Between the Gwathló and the Isen; south of Minhiriath and north-west of Rohan
Type Region
Regions Dunland
Inhabitants Men

What happened to Celeborn and Galadriel after the fall of Eregion?

Celebrimbor was killed, and Sauron took the Nine Rings and at least six of the Seven rings. Sauron would eventually be driven back to Mordor in SA 1701 . The movements of Celeborn and Galadriel after the fall of Eregion are unclear.

Is Celebrimbor related to Celeborn?

In S.A. 300, a daughter was born to Galadriel and Celeborn, named Celebrían. They departed for Eregion and arrived there by S.A. 750. It was ruled by Celebrimbor, grandson of Fëanor and distant cousin of Galadriel.

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When did Celeborn and Galadriel move to Eriador?

At some time early in the Second Age, Celeborn and Galadriel are said to have moved eastward into Eriador with a number of Elves in their following. They may have lived for a while near Lake Evendim. Their daughter Celebrían may have been born during this time.

When did Celeborn and Galadriel take up the rule of Lindor?

When King Amroth, son of Amdír, perished in T.A. 1981, Celeborn and Galadriel took up the rule of Lindórinand jointly, and were called the Lord and Lady of Galadhrim.