Who did varys want on the throne?

Who did varys want on the throne?

Upon learning Jon Snow’s truth in the previous episode from Tyrion, Varys told the Lannister that he believed Aegon Targaryen (Jon), the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, would make a better ruler than Dany in the seven kingdoms.

Why does varys want Aegon on the throne?

He wants a king he can control on the throne. In this moment, that’s Young Griff, the perfect puppet groomed from birth. Passing him off as a Targaryen (he’s probably a Blackfyre descendant), is a way to claim legitimacy under Westerosi law.

Did varys try to poison Daenerys?

ICYMI, Varys totally tried to poison Dany at the beginning of the episode. The callbacks to season 1 are amazing: Ned: Poison is a woman’s weapon. Varys’s attempt to poison Daenerys makes his execution pretty justifiable—she had promised in Season Seven to burn him to death if he attempted to betray her, after all.

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Was varys always loyal to Targaryen?

Despite his previous loyalty to the Targaryens, Varys was pardoned by the new King Robert Baratheon and allowed to keep his position on the Small Council under the advice of his Hand, Jon Arryn.

Was varys loyal to Tyrion?

We know that Varys (especially in the TV show) portrays himself as Tyrion’s friend, and (in ASOS) gives up his position in King’s Landing to help Tyrion escape.

Why is Varys called the spider in Game of Thrones?

Varys is called the Spider because he spins his web everywhere. He has thousands of spies all over Westeros and Essos and has them so tightly in his grip that he can trap anyone in his web whenever he wishes. And from a more literal view, it’s how he, and his spies lurk around in the dark and crooked corners,…

What do readers think about Varys?

Readers have divided opinions on his goals, character and origin. It is impossible to encapsulate Varys in one essay. While there are certain good resources out there, most of these merely scratch the surface, and miss out on the load of clues that George has given us, some that are quite surprising and take us across all of Essos.

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Why did Varys support Daenerys Targaryen?

Although he feigned support for her assassination while serving under King Robert Baratheon, Varys’s true loyalties were eventually revealed to be to Daenerys Targaryen (though she herself is initially unaware of this), as he believed her rule would be the best way to preserve peace and prosperity in the Seven Kingdoms.

What did Varys do after the sorcerer killed him?

Afterward, the sorcerer had no more use for Varys and threw him in the streets to die. Instead, Varys resolved to live no matter what: begging, stealing, and selling the sexual use of what parts remained to him, doing anything to survive.