
Who defeated Mongols most?

Who defeated Mongols most?

The Muslim Mamluks defeated the Mongols in all battles except one. Beside a victory to the Mamluks in Ain Jalut, the Mongols were defeated in the second Battle of Homs, Elbistan and Marj al-Saffar.

Who defeated the Mongols in battle?

the Mamluks
At the battle of Elbistan, the Mamluks defeated the Mongols decisively. The two armies that faced each other were relatively small.

Did any army beat the Mongols?

Yes, both tactically and strategically. The first and most notable post-Genghis Khan defeat of the Mongols was by the Mamlukes of Egypt at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260. This defeat effectively halted the western advance of the Mongols.

How would the Mongols have won a campaign against the Spartans?

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If its a campaign and not only one battle, the Mongols have the strategical advantage because of mobility. They could transform this strategical advantage in a tactical advantage , for instance they could march faster to meet the Spartans when they are still marching in an open field, before they arrive the mountain/pass.

Could a Spartan phalanx defeat a Mongol horse archer cavalry?

Mongol horse archer cavalry vs Spartan phalanx in close or mountainous terrain with the Mongols still avoiding close combat (if possible) is tricky. Here the Spartans would not lose , but they would also not win if the Mongols could maintain the distance to the Spartans.

Why were the Mongols so good at combat?

Mongols were also almost invincible in ranged combat in an open battle , if you did not have plate armor, combined arms tactics or guns. If its a campaign and not only one battle, the Mongols have the strategical advantage because of mobility.

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What weapons did the Mongols use?

The Mongols, as mentioned above, used the bow as their primary weapon. It was a composite bow [1] which could fire with tremendous power. The Mongols were extremely skilled with the bow and were said to be able to hit a bird on the wing. They also used special arrows tipped with heavier heads to counter heavily armoured forces.