Tips and tricks

Which painting is good for North direction?

Which painting is good for North direction?

The North and North East direction of your house represent the water element. Therefore, a painting depicting water or an abstract design which has a lot of blue colour can ideally be placed in these zones of your house. This will help you in keeping your emotions under control.

In which direction we should keep bookshelf?

Vastu Tips: Study table and bookshelf should be placed in North-East direction.

Which painting is good for home entrance?

Room suggestions for Vastu paintings

Room Painting scene Colours
Entrance, Living room Nature-inspired Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green
Bedroom Positive photos of family, flowers or birds Light pink, Sky blue, Mint green, orange
Kitchen Inspirational Yellow, peach
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What should we keep in North Vastu?

Keep the north-east corner of your home free of clutter and let it remain spacious for good energy glow. A mirror or a Kuber Yantra fixed on the north wall of the north section of the entire home can start activating new financial opportunities, says Ashna Ddhannak.

Can we keep books in north west direction?

Provide book rack or book shelf in East or North wall of reading area. If books are kept in South-West corner, then they remain untouched. The books kept in North-West corner gets stolen by someone. The book shelf should never be located over or above study table.

Which is the best direction to face while cooking?

Vastu Shastra for Kitchen Sink and Stove One must always face the east while cooking. Therefore, cooking appliances like microwave ovens and gas stoves need to be aligned along this direction, adds Madhuri. Place the kitchen sink along the north or north east direction.

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How can I make my home lucky?

15 Things That Will Bring Good Luck to Your Home

  1. of 15. A Red Door. If your front door faces the south, that is.
  2. of 15. Soft Linens.
  3. of 15. Elephants.
  4. of 15. Fresh Flowers.
  5. of 15. Incense.
  6. of 15. Fruit.
  7. of 15. Ladybugs.
  8. of 15. Circular Layouts.

How to decorate your home according to Vastu Shastra?

According to Vastu, painting of the sun is a useful correction for homes having a washroom towards the east and south-east according to Vastu Shastra. Painting of beautiful sun or green vegetation improves solar and fire energies towards the east and south-east zone. This is an excellent painting for the living room as per Vastu.

Which direction should your bed face according to Vastu?

According to Vastu, your bed should be placed with the head towards the east or south. The bed in the guest room can have its head towards the west. Also, it is best if your bed is made of wood.

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What direction should I place my books in my room?

Though it is widely believed that regardless of the books they should be placed in the West of the Southwest direction. The Southwest direction is the direction for the Master Bedroom, it is a Tamasic area. Hence, I do not see any sense in keeping Spiritual, Religious and Studying books here.

Which direction is the best for a house entrance?

Which direction is good for house entrance? The main door/entrance should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.