
Which one is better fire or ice?

Which one is better fire or ice?

Between -10\% and -20\% C, the tensile strength of ice is generally between 0.7 and 3.1 MPa (pascals are a measure of pressure). The flame of a fire is composed of hot gas which, if hot enough, may be ionized to plasma. It has a tensile strength of 0. In conclusion, ice is stronger than flame.

What power does both fire and ice have?

Pyro-Cryokinesis: Wield both fire and ice powers.

Is ice better than lightning?

But in rare cases, lightning beats ice (it’s just water) and is beaten by fire because heat increases resistance to electricity (at least in metals; in air, heat decreases resistance, so fire will make lightning stronger…?).

What can ice powers do?

Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state. Ice appears naturally in forms of snow, slush, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, thus allowing users to gain control over multiple varied structures and environments.

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How do you use ice powers?

Ice Power is the original cold gel that quickly and effectively relieves pain and inflammation. Spread the gel onto the desired areas at 3-6 hours intervals, or as required. Scientifically proven effect* The long term cooling effect of clinically studied Ice Power Cold Gel begins almost immediately after application.

What is more powerful fire or water?

Water can be more powerful in its devastation than fire or wind, because it doesn’t always come by the bucketful. When it chooses to, water can over . whelm. Waves can wash away’ shorelines, so that where there was once a house, a pavilion, even whole towns, now there is nothing but the ocean.

Why is Fire and Ice important?

The poem is a work of eschatology—writing about the end of the world—and poses two possible causes for this end: fire and ice. The speaker uses these natural elements as symbols for desire and hatred, respectively, arguing that both emotions left unchecked have the capacity to destroy civilization itself.

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Is fire more powerful than thunder?

Wildfires in particular tend to be much more devastating than a lightning storm, but a lightning storm may only last a few hours, whereas wildfires can burn for months. So, if you compare, say, a single strike of lightning to a single lick of flame, obviously the lightning is far more powerful.

Is ice water stronger than fire?

Well, fire can melt ice, but the ice water can put out the fire. However, in my opinion, the fire is stronger. Fire of sufficient size can also evaporate the water. Fire is also better at relaying energy (In the form of heat) to other things, causing serious burns.

Can fire melt ice instantly?

Fire would require sustainability with a constant source of fire. It would require more energy for fire to melt down ice. For a more instantaneous defeat for ice, it would require a blast of really high temperatures for fire to melt ice instantaneously without a constant fuel for fire.

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Why do you prefer to shatter ice or fire?

Because there are many different types of fire, each hotter than the last, all strong enough to shatter, ice not melt although ice can melt I personally think that’s too slow, so I prefer to shatter it. Ice would win with the same energy level and input.

What would happen if you put an Ice Cube in fire?

If you have the same amount of ice and fire, fire would win because ice has a bigger mass than water (water expands as it freezes). The fire would turn the ice to water, then water to gas/steam. I dunno. Try it in real life. Light a fire in a fireplace or something and throw an ice cube in it, and see what happens.