
Which NIT can I get with 40k rank?

Which NIT can I get with 40k rank?

You can get Bio Technology or Mining Engineering in NIT AGARTALA, NIT SIKKIM, NIT AURUNACHAL, NIT MEGHALAYA. Electrical in IIIT MANIPUR is also possible.

Can you get 47000 ranked NIT?

With a rank of 47000 in JEE Mains you can get into NIT college through home quota. It would be difficult to get into NIT colleges through other state quota.

Can you get 43000 ranked NIT?

Although you will get nit s and IIITs of lower rank ( but it will not much helpful ) instead you can get good state government or private college.

Can I get NIT with 45k rank?

1) Vellore, 2) Chennai, 3) Bhopal, 4) Amaravati. With a rank of about 45,000 you cannot get a seat at Vellore campus of Vellore Institute of Technology for any popular branch. VIT VELLORE is the oldest campus and has very high reputation. So Cutoffs are very high here.

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What is the lowest rank in JEE to get admission in NIT?

If you are aspiring for top NITs, your rank should be less than 10,000. However, newer NITs accept candidates with a rank greater than 70,000 in JEE Main. It also depends on the reservation policy of the respective institute. The below table will help you figure out admission chances in NIT despite low rank in JEE Main.

Where can I find the details of the JEE Main cutoff 2020?

The details of the ranks will be announced here as soon as they are released. Candidates looking for information related to the JEE Main Cutoff 2020 can refer to the JEE Main Colleges opening and closing rank PDF on the official website. But for your convenience, we have the opening and closing ranks for 2019 stated below.

What to do if you score low rank in JEE Main?

Example 2: If you scored a low rank in JEE Main exam, it is advisable to apply for the entrance exam conducted by various deemed universities. Some of the top deemed university B.Tech entrance exams are VITEEE, KIITEEE, V-SAT, KLEEE, SRMJEEE etc.

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What is the reservation criteria for JEE Main in NITs?

According to JEE Main reservation criteria in the NITs, 50\% seats stand reserved under home state quota for eligible candidates, while the rest of 50\% are left for candidates of other states.