
Which Ncert book is best for UPSC history?

Which Ncert book is best for UPSC history?

List of Indian History Books for IAS Prelims exam:

List of Best Books for History UPSC History Books for UPSC Prelims- Categories
NCERT Class XI Medieval India – Satish Chandra Medieval History
NCERT Class XI Ancient India Ancient History
NCERT Class XII Theme in Indian History- I Ancient Indian History

Which Ncert is good for history Old or new?

Generally, for history, the old NCERT books are recommended and, for geography, new ones.

Which one is better Bipin Chandra or spectrum for history?

But spectrum is everything you need to remember for History. Its concise and bullet pointed; so it is the best book for revision. So in short, Bipin Chandra is for understanding while Spectrum is for revision. You need to read Bipin Chandra once but Spectrum again and again so that the history section becomes your strongest subject at mains.

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Is Bipan Chandra’s book on India’s struggle for independence worth reading?

The person has specifically mentioned from the perspective of “mains”.I have studied most of the books by Bipan Chandra. India’s struggle for independence deals comprehensively with modern indian history . The book is better than spectrum or modern indian history by Bipan chandra for mains. This is my personal opinion and you are free to ignore it.

Which is the best book for modern Indian history for UPSC?

But yes if comparison is to be made, then Bipin Chandra is better than any other book for Modern Indian History. just go thoroughly and with full concentration, i think the easiest book to study is Bipin Chandra. Work Hard UPSC Aspirants! If anyone tells you that Bipan Chandra is a good book (he forgot to add “for PhD”).

Is Bipin Chandra’s book better than Rajiv Ahir’s?

See studying with focus matters a lot, no matter it is Bipin chandra or Rajiv Ahir. But yes if comparison is to be made, then Bipin Chandra is better than any other book for Modern Indian History. just go thoroughly and with full concentration, i think the easiest book to study is Bipin Chandra.