Which MBA course is best for IT engineers?

Which MBA course is best for IT engineers?

Based on the above skills following specializations in MBA are recommended for Engineers

  • Business Analytics.
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management.
  • Finance.
  • Marketing.
  • Consultancy.
  • International Business.

Can it engineer do MBA?

There aren’t many career options after BTech. Although, MBA is a great option for engineers since they not only know how to build products but also how to market them. MBA after engineering help engineers rise up in the hierarchy and reach top positions.

Is it good to do MBA after computer engineering?

“It is vital that engineers opt for an MBA specialisation that attracts maximum placement. In case of CS engineers, this could be an MBA in IT or even Marketing,” advise other career counsellors.

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Can a CS student do MBA?

If you are passionate about the economic sector and want to start your own start-up or become a good manager, you can study an MBA after completing a Computer Science degree. Usually, there are no restrictions in this regard.

Which stream should I choose to do MBA after engineering?

It is rightly said that commerce is the stream people should take if you are interested in doing MBA as your PG. But there are few merits of opting engineering (science) as your field too and they are:- Engineers are good in QUANTS section of CAT (which is entrance exam for MBA).

What is the most misunderstood stream of MBA?

Finance is the most misunderstood stream of MBA. People deduce that knowing some mathematics around the balance sheet and some accounting principles is all that happens in Finance. But Finance is much much more than that.

Is an MBA a good option for an engineer?

An MBA aims to equip aspirants with a varied set of skills to manage an organisation efficiently while also sail further towards a career in the corporate world. Many engineers often don’t find themselves getting inclined towards the field they have chosen and a potential career change seems possible through an MBA degree.

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Which stream is the best for MBA in Quant?

Remember quant is not difficult,you dont need to be a engineer to solve quant problems.Regarding stream,commerce stream would be best if you want to do MBA. commerce is best stream for mba but first you do BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration ) then you do MBA ( Master of Business Administration ) Dwayne is in hot water for his latest comments.
