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Which is better Naruto or deathnote?

Which is better Naruto or deathnote?

Naruto is great but death note is better in storyline and in everything else.

Is Naruto the most popular anime?

While most people would think it’s Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, One Piece, or Attack on Titan, another popular anime tops all of them in the entire world, and that anime is Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto. …

Is Death Note better than Naruto Shippuden?

NARUTO is a better show than Death Note. The story of Naruto is better than Death Note. For the rest of the night not only was I worried I just lost all my senses.

Is there an anime better than Death Note?

Code Geass is pretty similar to Death Note. You have a genius protagonist who gains a supernatural power, then he uses that in ingenious ways to try and make the world a better place. The only difference is that Code Geass has a better ending (actually, one of the best) than Death Note.

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Why Death Note is so popular?

Death Note is popular because it involves an amazing rivalry involving mind games and forethought. A genius criminal(LightYagami) who has an ability to kill anyone by just writing their name in a book(DeathNote) and a genius Detective(Anonymous) whose identity is unknown so he can not be killed by Light Yagami.

Is death note the best anime ever?

Death Note is often held to be one of the greatest anime series of the past few decades, and we’re here to rank the 10 best episodes as per IMDb. Death Note is one of, if not the, most popular anime out there. Based on the manga of the same name, it is generally cited as one of the best animes ever created.

Is Death Note the best anime of all time?

Death Note is one of those gems that graces the anime world only every so often and certainly deserves a considerable amount of respect. Death Note goes above and beyond your typical run-of-the-mill action based anime. Whereas a lot of anime strategically relies on action packed battles and fights, Death Note is a refreshing change of pace.

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Is Death Note better than Naruto and Naruto Shippuden?

I would say Naruto and Naruto Shippuden is Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr better than DeathNote. Its true death note is amazing , but evaluating features and FUN, naruto is better.

Why can’t Naruto see Ryuk’s Death Note?

That’s because Ryuk is pretty much invisible to mere mortals (at least to those who haven’t touched his Death Note). For that matter, Naruto won’t even see Ryuk coming. All Ryuk has to do is look at Naruto then write his name on his Death Note and there goes Konoha’s most popular Hokage.

Which anime character would be the best to survive Naruto?

However, none of them are as absolute as a Shinigami, most notably Ryuk from the surprisingly dark shonen anime Death Note. We would have chosen Light Yagami from the same anime but Ryuk has a much better chance of surviving Naruto.