Which is better IIT Dharwad or IIT Bhilai?

Which is better IIT Dharwad or IIT Bhilai?

It is a new institute and mentored by IIT Hyderabad. It is running as a temporary campus at Government Engineering College. It is very nearer to Raipur city….Which is better, between IIT Dharwad and IIT Bhilai?

Criteria IIT Bhilai IIT Dharwad
Offers made 75+ 90+
Placement Statistics 75\% 80\%

Which is better bits Hyderabad or IIIT Hyderabad?

BITS Hyderabad was ranked 33 out of 159 Top private Colleges in India for MBA by Business World. IIIT Hyderabad has been ranked 101 out of 200 in India for the year 2020 and for B. Tech courses the University was ranked 43 out of 300 Universities in India by NIRF.

What is the difference between BITS Pilani and new IITs?

While BITS Pilani already has an international infrastructure, excellent faculty and best placements, the new IITs are struggling on one or the other aspect. The new institutes are on a bumpy ride to achieving the levels of ‘IIT’ excellence which is evident from the latest HRD ministry data.

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Why BITS Pilani is the best private engineering institute?

Although BITS Pilani is a private institute, it has earned its reputation as the top-notch private engineering institute in India. It also outperforms various IITs in terms of their performances. BITS Pilani not only offers high end education to its students, but also helps students become capable of grabbing jobs with good salary packages.

Should all IITs be opened at the same time?

In fact, the Fmr. Dy. Director of IIT Indore (a new IIT) once admitted in an interview that “There definitely was no need to open all IITs simultaneously because there is always resource crunch to efficiently fund eight IITs in addition to seven older ones”.

Which IITs are the best in India?

Although IIT Bombay, Delhi etc are the best ones, no one’s arguing about it, but it was not late after the introduction of the new ones that the Government of India realized, it wasn’t such a great idea.