Tips and tricks

Which film made the highest profit?

Which film made the highest profit?

Gone with the Wind—first released in 1939—is generally considered to be the most successful film, with Guinness World Records in 2014 estimating its adjusted global gross at $3.4 billion.

What makes a good indie film?

Independent films—or “indie films”—are controlled more by the creator in terms of content, voice, and style. With a lack of big budget and fewer crew members at their disposal, indie filmmakers can be more hands-on with their film productions, and have greater freedom to tell the story they want to tell.

What percentage of a film budget goes to producers?

Given the differences between the types and scales of movies, it’s fascinating that broadly speaking, film budgets share a similar make-up. Above the Line costs account for between 16\% and 26\% of the total budget, Production is 56\% to 74\% and Post-production 7\% to 13\%.

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Why are indie films so hard to make money?

Indie films don’t generally get distributed as well as studio films, so they simply have less time and locations from which to make money. Big budget films and up in thousands of theaters, while indie films often struggle to get into a few hundred, so they have to really attract a crowd to make decent money.

Are studio films more profitable?

Unsurprisingly, Studio films have a much better rate of profitability. And yet, with all their money, power, contacts, experience, distribution channels and famous names, we could be forgiven for expecting that they would fare better than 50:50. The film world is indeed a strange one! What types of independent films make money?

Is it worth it to back independent movies?

Of those which did reach cinemas, the majority did not earn enough to recoup the costs of making, marketing and distributing the movie. If we were to randomly select an independent film made in the US over the past twenty years, there is a 3.4\% chance it was a profitable investment for its backers.

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Are all movies Money Makers?

But this huge figure doesn’t mean that all movies are money makers; in fact many movies end up being losing bets. Indeed, although there are thousands of movies made every year, only a percentage of those become feature films with the big budgets we often associate with the Hollywood movie-making business.