
Which entrance exam is best for civil engineering?

Which entrance exam is best for civil engineering?

Top Entrance Exams for Civil Engineering

JEE Main JEE Advanced

Which is better option gate or CAT?

If you give GATE exam you will do M. Tech. But then, GATE lets you to qualify for best colleges in India which imparts technical knowledge in engineering domain, like IITs. Whereas, CAT lets you to qualify for the hallowed B schools of India like IIMs.

Which is more tough GATE or CAT?

Competitively speaking Competition for GATE is relatively less than compared to CAT which is indeed very tough. Only engineering students can appear for GATE exams online whereas all students from different streams like BA,, BBA, and engineer can appear for this competitive exam.

Is Gate easier than CAT?

Really its a very simple answer. Cat is easier than gate because 2 lakh candidates appear for cat and 10 lakh candidates appear for gate . Cat is just a playing game but gate is not that. gate is a depth knowledge in engineering.

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Should I choose between gate or cat for engineering?

Choosing between GATE and CAT should be done entirely on your interests. Going for GATE would make you more sharp in your field of engineering and would not require extra study course as it covers the engineering syllabus for four years (more or less).

Which one is better gate or cat or MTech?

For u, the one u loves more is better but Let’s talk about job opportunities in various PSUs vs M-tech vs MBA (avg package/CTC and career growth) to make it clear that both GATE & CAT provide fabulous career ahead ,in their own way. PSUs are semi gov. firm where gov. owns atleast 51\% share while remaining disinvested to private players.

Should I go for gate or cat for a PhD?

CAT and GATE are like chalk and cheese! They are both gateways to a post grad degree and would open up a number of opportunities. Choosing between GATE and CAT should be done entirely on your interests.

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What are the benefits of cracking cat exam with a high percentile?

Here are some extraordinary benefits of cracking CAT exam with a high percentile: Candidates will be able to get admission to IIM colleges to pursue their MBA programs. IIM colleges are the leading and simply the best institutions that provide management education in India.