
Which discontinuity did Conrad discover discontinuity between the?

Which discontinuity did Conrad discover discontinuity between the?

The Conrad discontinuity (named after the seismologist Victor Conrad) is considered to be the border between the upper continental crust and the lower one. It is not as pronounced as the Mohorovičić discontinuity, and absent in some continental regions.

Who first discovered a discontinuity group of answer choices?

The Mohorovičić discontinuity was first identified in 1909 by Mohorovičić, when he observed that seismograms from shallow-focus earthquakes had two sets of P-waves and S-waves, one set that followed a direct path near the Earth’s surface and the other refracted by a high-velocity medium.

Who discovered Gutenberg discontinuity?

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Beno Gutenberg
The Gutenberg discontinuity was named after Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960) a seismologist who made several important contributions to the study and understanding of the Earth’s interior. It has also been referred to as the Oldham-Gutenberg discontinuity, or the Wiechert-Gutenberg discontinuity.

Who discovered the transition zone between outer and inner core?

Weichert Gutenberg
Gutenberg Discontinuity: The mantle –core transition zone is called Gutenberg discontinuity. In the year of 1912 Weichert Gutenberg was discovered this discontinuity at the depth of 2900km beneath the earth surface.

How was the Conrad Discontinuity discovered?

The seismological discovery of the Conrad Based on observations of earthquakes MohoroviEiC (1910) was able to prove the ex- istence of a velocity jump at a depth of approxi- mately 50 km. This discontinuity marks the crust-mantle transition.

Who discovered the discontinuity between mantle and core *?

The mantle –core transition zone is called Gutenberg discontinuity. In the year of 1912 Weichert Gutenberg discovered this discontinuity at the depth of 2900 km beneath the earth surface. In this zone the velocity of seismic waves changes suddenly.

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When was Gutenberg discontinuity discovered?

The structure of the earth has been a subject of study since ancient times. The Gutenberg discontinuity was named after Beno Guttenberg, who contributed several important facts and understanding of the earth’s interior in 1913, which led to groundbreaking discoveries related to the inner layers of the earth.

What is Mohorovicic and Gutenberg discontinuity?

Moho Discontinuity is the boundary between crust and mantle. Gutenberg Discontinuity is the boundary between mantle and core.

Who discovered Lehmann discontinuity?

Inge Lehmann
The Lehmann discontinuity is an abrupt increase of P-wave and S-wave velocities at the depth of 220 km (140 mi), discovered by seismologist Inge Lehmann.

What do you call a discontinuity found between outer and inner core?

The core is made of two layers: the outer core, which borders the mantle, and the inner core. The boundary separating these regions is called the Bullen discontinuity.

What is Gutenberg Discontinuity answer?

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The Gutenberg Discontinuity is situated inside the earth at a depth of about 2900 kilometres below the surface. The Gutenberg discontinuity separates the core and the mantle of the earth. These layers are further divided into the upper and lower crust, upper and lower mantle, and the outer and inner core.

What is Gutenberg discontinuity Class 9?

Gutenberg Discontinuity is the boundary between mantle and core. It is found at about 8 km beneath the oceans and about 32 km beneath the continents.