
Which DC character can beat sentry?

Which DC character can beat sentry?

He killed the Moleculeman, has died countless times and came back, he stalemated Galactus, He is considered the most powerful Avenger ever, and the strongest hero on earth. Yes, Thor can defeat Sentry.

Who would win the sentry or Superman?

All this leads to only one possible answer – Sentry wins against Superman comfortably. I mean, he was created as a counter to DC’s overpowered superhero Superman, and Marvel made Sentry even more overpowered.

Can the sentry defeat Justice League?

Sentry Stalemated World War Hulk Who Defeated 90\% Of All Earth Based Heroes (Except For Dark Phoenix) If Sentry Can Stalemate Someone Who Defeated 90\% Of The Earth-Based Superheroes, I’m Pretty Sure He Can Defeat Any Superhero in the Justice League as Well.

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Is Marvel’s Sentry stronger than DC’s Superman?

Though they were both inspired by DC’s Superman, Marvel’s Sentry and Hyperion are two of the strongest heroes around. But who’s stronger? DC’s Superman is generally considered to be the first modern superpowered hero in comics.

What is the Sentry’s superpower?

The Sentry has one of the most overwhelming superpowers of anyone in the Marvel Universe: the power of one million exploding suns. What this means is somewhat subjective, but beyond it being a nod to Superman’s solar-based power set, it also apparently gives him the equivalent strength of stars going nova.

Who is the Sentry’s worst enemy?

Superman wants to save humanity with his strength, while Lex Luthor wants to be strong as the Kryptonian, no matter what it costs humanity. Captain America embodies the best of what his country is capable of being, while Red Skull weaponizes the worst aspects of human nature. But the Sentry’s worst enemy is himself, or rather, his darker half.

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Does the Sentry have a second personality?

As powerful as the Sentry is, he has a second personality that is just as powerful, known as the Void. The Sentry might have the power of one million exploding suns, but the Void is the darkness of those suns going out and the death that comes from nuclear annihilation. 3 Hyperion: Lifted Atlantis