Which country is best in education India or Pakistan?

Which country is best in education India or Pakistan?

STAT India Pakistan
Primary completion rate 90 Ranked 71st. 43\% more than Pakistan 63 Ranked 100th.
Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level 11.3 million Ranked 3rd. 28 times more than Pakistan 401,056 Ranked 41st.
Elementary (primary school) > Duration 5 Ranked 169th. The same as Pakistan 5 Ranked 173th.

What is the rank of India in education?


List INDIA Ranking/Total Countries hideNotes
Literacy rate 77.7\% 2017-18 – 77.7\%
Human capital 103 / 130 2017
Education Index 145 / 191 2013
Programme for International Student Assessment 72 to 74 / 74 2009

What is the literacy rate in Pakistan?

The current literacy rate of Pakistan is 62.3 which mean that an estimated population of 60 million is illiterate in the country.

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Which city of Pakistan is most educated?

Top 10 Districts in the 2017 Middle School education Score Index

Rank District hideSchool Infrastructure Score
1 Hunza 96.00
2 Swat 63.48
3 Islamabad 87.33
4 peshawar 92.74

Will India and Pakistan’s new education policies push religious minorities into a corner?

India and Pakistan’s new education policies will push their respective religious minorities into a corner All education policies are cooking recipes; the final product depends upon ingredients. NEP hints at, but leaves unspecified, what textbooks will contain.

What does Pakistan’s new education policy mean for madressahs?

Pakistan’s new education policy, only parts of which are known so far, is much more upfront on creating a religion-based society. The goal is to put madressahs at the same level as all other kinds of schools.

Is the Indian foreign policy more dangerous than Pakistan’s?

The Indian policy is milder in tone than Pakistan’s but is probably more dangerous simply because it is better thought out and professionally formulated, hence, likely to be more successful when implemented. On the other hand, the Pakistani policy document is half-baked, wrapped in multiple layers of confusion, and will almost certainly flounder.

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What is the difference between India and Pakistan’s national identity?

For building national identity Pakistan seeks to Arabicise and Islamise whereas India wants to indigenise and Hinduise. The BJP’s way is more subtle than Pakistan’s but cleverer because it understands the enormous power of culture.