
Which country gives citizenship easily after marriage?

Which country gives citizenship easily after marriage?

If you want the fastest second passport by marriage, the African country Cape Verde may be your best option. That’s because anyone who marries a Cape Verde citizen is entitled to apply for “citizenship by option” immediately after marriage.

Which country has the shortest citizenship requirements?

1. Argentina. In Argentina, you could get citizenship in as short as 2 years!

Where in Europe is easy to immigrate?

Spain and Portugal are expat favorites and offer easy paths to residency. The Netherlands and Germany are relatively good options for freelancers and those who are self-employed. Tips For More Difficult Countries: Some of the most difficult countries to move to are Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.

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How to get citizenship by marriage in some countries?

In some countries (eg. Brunei, Cuba) the only way for a foreigner to become a citizenship is through marriage. Spain has the quickest time one year after marriage and being resident. Here are the list of countries that offer citizenship by marriage.

Does marrying a foreigner make you a citizen?

One common misconception is that marrying a foreigner gives you citizenship immediately: this is only true in rare cases, and generally only in random countries. Instead, marrying a citizen generally gives you the ability to obtain residency in their country.

How to become a citizen of Denmark by marriage?

Person has been the spouse of a citizen for 3 years (and the spouse has been citizen for 3 years), with common household, and has been resident in Denmark for 6 years (if 2 years marriage: 7 years residence, if 1 year marriage: 8 years residence). Other conditions: see mode A06. Person is married to a citizen.

Is Ukraine a country that recognised citizenship by marriage?

A former Soviet Socialist Republic territory, Ukraine is a large country located in Eastern Europe, is a country that recognised citizenship by marriage. If you are able to marry a Ukrainian and you’re being staying together for more than 2 years you are free to apply for citizenship.