
Which countries use periods instead of commas?

Which countries use periods instead of commas?

Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead.

Why is my period on my num lock a comma?

When entering text fields (like Part numbers) using the numeric keypad, the dot is shown as a comma. The regional and keyboard settings in Windows are set to keyboard layout en-US, which in every other application results in a dot. Changing regional settings or numeric format in the IFS options gives no result.

How do I change my numpad dot to comma?

System Preferences- Language and Region- at the bottom of the box click “Advanced”- then choose the dot/ comma under Number separators- Decimal and again under drop down box “decimal” under currency.

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Do you need a comma in 1000?

1000 or one thousand is the natural number following 999 and preceding 1001. In most English-speaking countries, it is often written with a comma separating the thousands digit: 1,000.

How do I change my keyboard back to a comma?

Try long-pressing the keys on either side of the space bar. Comma should be on one of them.

Where is the comma key on a keyboard?


  1. A comma is a punctuation mark ( , ) found on the same keyboard key as the less than ( < ) key on United States keyboards.
  2. On English PC and Mac keyboards, the comma is on the same key as the less than symbol.

How do you change a comma to a period on a keyboard?

Press Win+R and run control intl. cpl. Click Additional Settings. Change the Decimal Symbol from a Comma to a Period in both the Numbers and Currency Tabs.

How do you type a comma on a keyboard?

Pressing the , key with no other key creates the comma symbol.

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Why does Europe use periods instead of commas?

He was an influential mathematician, and the dot as a multiplication sign became widespread in Europe. But this solution created another problem: The dot as a multiplication sign could be confused with the decimal point, so European mathematicians started to use a comma to separate decimals.

Which countries use the Oxford comma?

“In British practice there’s an Oxford/Cambridge divide … In Canada and Australia the serial comma is recommended only to prevent ambiguity or misreading.” “The so-called ‘Oxford comma’ is an optional comma that follows the penultimate item in a list of three or more items and precedes the word ‘and’ …

Why is there a dot instead of a comma on keyboard?

I believe the majority of regions/languages use a . (dot) on the numeric keyboard. This is certainly the case for both the US and UK keyboard layouts. However I do know that the French keyboard layout uses a comma instead. It would therefore seem that you have the wrong keyboard layout selected.

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Is there a comma key on the numeric keypad?

– modern keyboards lack a comma on the numeric keypad. My first attempt was to buy an external USB keypad which did have a comma key, or at least appeared to. This was an extremely rare find on EBay, since most external keypads are just like the keypad on a full-size keyboard.

Does the BBC Master 128 have a comma on the keyboard?

However, despite the BBC Master 128 having enough foresight to include a comma on the keypad – – modern keyboards lack a comma on the numeric keypad. My first attempt was to buy an external USB keypad which did have a comma key, or at least appeared to.

How do I add a comma to the Rhino keyboard?

What this means is that the USB keypad is simulating a comma by “pressing” Alt and then 44 on the numeric keypad, which is the ASCII code for a comma! The command line in Rhino obviously doesn’t like this, and doesn’t display anything.