
Which are the non Indian foods?

Which are the non Indian foods?

Favorite Recipes: Non-Indian Food..!!

Chocolate Scones Wasabi Tahini Chickpea Wrap Thai Green Curry
Whole Wheat Honey Buttermilk Bread Guacamole Avocado milk shake
Blackberry Fool Corn potage Soup Rosewater Macarons
Baked Ratatouille Seven Layer Burrito Easy Mexican Rice
Thai Green Papaya Salad Sauce Pois Sayur Lemak

Is foreigners love Indian food?

There are millions of foreigners all over the world who take immense pleasure in the authentic Indian cuisine. What makes Indian food extraordinary is the variety it offers with exemplary flavors, twist of spices and the lure of all that’s sweet. (Really, a recent study proved that it’s scientific fact.)

What is the weirdest food in Indian?

10 Bizarre and Weird Food in India That People Eat

  1. Jadoh. This dish is popular with the Jaintia tribe of the North East, predominantly Meghalaya.
  2. Doh Khlieh. Another one from Meghalaya makes it to the list.
  3. Dog Meat. All you dog lovers can stay away from this one!
  4. Chaprah.
  5. Baby Shark Curry.
  6. Frog legs.
  7. Eri Polu.
  8. Phan Pyut.
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Do they eat frogs in India?

Frog meat is called “jumping chicken” in Goa. In many parts of India, including Mumbai, battered and fried frogs’ legs are considered an exotic food. The species that are poached are the Indian Bullfrog, Jerdon Bullfrog, Indian Pond Frog, Grass Frog and some times the Common Indian Toad.

Why South Indian food is the best?

Also, South Indian food is easy on stomach. It treats your taste buds without taking a toll on your digestion. South Indian food is the most boring and tasteless ever! 6.

What makes Indian cuisine so special?

Indian cuisine is a beautiful blend of our culture and customs. It boasts of robust flavours, a mind blowing variety, spices and surprises. This time around, I decided to take the road less traveled and venture into the unexplored. Welcome to the wild world of the food unknown.

What are some of the best Indian delicacies?

The Indian bullfrog is also a monsoon delicacy in Goa and is famously known as the ‘jumping chicken’. Although, it is recognized as a threatened species by the government of India yet you may find some restaurants serving it. The great Indian chutneys can make any dish come alive but with this one right here, you’re guaranteed to gag.

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What to eat in Sikkim and Goa?

The Lepchas community in Sikkim swears by their medicinal quality to cure various stomach ailments. The Indian bullfrog is also a monsoon delicacy in Goa and is famously known as the ‘jumping chicken’. Although, it is recognized as a threatened species by the government of India yet you may find some restaurants serving it.