
Where does Gandalf the GREY live?

Where does Gandalf the GREY live?

ANSWER: Most people will tell you that Gandalf has no permanent home in Middle-earth — that he wanders around the landscape (hence his Elvish name, Mithrandir “grey wanderer”). But while Gandalf does not own any property or have a permanent home, he certainly has a permanent set of stopping places.

Where did Gandalf go when he left Middle-earth?

Frodo leaves Middle-earth for the Undying Lands with Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Celeborn, and Galadriel. This is considered a mystical land, home to the Valar, ‘angelic’ beings, also known as the ‘masters of spirits’.

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What happened to Gandalf in the undying lands?

When Gandalf refused, he was imprisoned, yet eventually was rescued by the Great Eagle Gwaihir. Living roughly 2,000 years in Middle-earth, Gandalf then retired across the sea to the Undying Lands with Frodo, Bilbo, Galadriel and Elrond.

How did Gandalf live so long?

As an Istari, or wizard, Gandalf is one of an immortal race of beings that was initially sent to Middle-earth to combat the rise of Sauron to power once again. However, there’s a good indication of exactly how long Gandalf has been living in the world of Men thanks to a single line of dialogue from The Two Towers.

When did Gandalf join Middle-Earth?

He was sent to Middle-earth in human form around the year 1000 in the Third Age. That’s more than 2000 years before the setting of The Lord of the Rings, to help the free peoples fight the evil of Sauron.

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What is the difference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White?

It was that resurrection that Gandalf transformed from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White. By taking his title, Gandalf became the leader of the wizards and was given authority to punish Saruman. Another difference is that Gandalf the White could be harsher and applied his powers more readily.

Where does Gandalf live in Middle earth?

Q: Where Does Gandalf Live? ANSWER: Most people will tell you that Gandalf has no permanent home in Middle-earth — that he wanders around the landscape (hence his Elvish name, Mithrandir “grey wanderer”). But while Gandalf does not own any property or have a permanent home, he certainly has a permanent set of stopping places.

Why is Gandalf called Gandalf the white instead of Gandalf the Grey?

Midway through The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is promoted to the head of the order of Wizards, and is thus named Gandalf the White instead of Gandalf the Grey.

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Did Gandalf ever have a permanent home?

All of which is to say that while Gandalf certainly did not have a permanent home he most assuredly had a permanent sphere of activity where he spent approximately 2,000 years. While there were kings at Fornost Erain, Gandalf most likely spent some time visiting them. He may have spent time in Tharbad as well.

What happened to Gandalf after he escaped from Dol Guldur?

Gandalf escaped Dol Guldur and returned to the White Council. After relating his discoveries, he urged the council to attack Sauron while the One Ring was still lost and Sauron’s power immature.