Where can I promote my blogs?

Where can I promote my blogs?

Promote Your Blog On These 30 Places

  • Facebook Groups. Do the research first.
  • LinkedIn Groups. LinkedIn groups can be a great place to share your posts if your blog content is business related.
  • Xing Groups.
  • Google Plus Groups.
  • Twitter.
  • Pinterest boards and group boards.
  • Imgur.
  • Instagram.

Should I blog multiple platforms?

It’s a lot easier to convert leads if you can get them to read on the same website they will ultimately convert on. With that being said, the increased exposure that comes from republishing content on another platform is often well worth any slight cannibalization of attention or leads you might experience.

How do I share my blog on Facebook?

Log in to your Facebook account and find the Create post section at the top of the page. Type something about the blog post that you’re sharing, and then paste the URL into the post directly below your text. After you’ve pasted the link, a preview of the blog post should populate below the text box.

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What is the best blogging platform for You?

1. WordPress.org – Best for Self-Hosted Blogs Among the best blog sites, the self-hosted version of WordPress is, by far the most popular blogging platform in the world. WordPress powers over 90 percent of all the blogs on the Internet.

Where should you share your blog content?

Here are 20 places you should be sharing your content, from the mainstream to the niche. 1. Medium. Medium allows you to republish your existing blog posts (if you use their import feature, they even add a rel=canonical link), but you can also use this platform as a way to increase traffic to the full blog posts on your site. Advertisement.

What is the best website for a self hosted blog?

WordPress.org – Best for Self-Hosted Blogs Among the best blog sites, the self-hosted version of WordPress is, by far the most popular blogging platform in the world. WordPress powers over 90 percent of all the blogs on the Internet. It’s often confused with its close cousin WordPress.com.

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Is Reddit a good alternative to Facebook?

The so-called social news aggregator Reddit is an established alternative to Facebook, without ripping off some other heavyweights. The way it works is simple: users share content which can be up-voted or down-voted by others. This promotes interesting content while boring pieces quickly disappear.