
Where can I ask a web developer question?

Where can I ask a web developer question?

It can be difficult to determine how long a web development project will take, especially if the scope of work changes or major edits are required throughout the process. Remember, the longer it takes to develop a website, the more it costs you, as you will be missing out on prospective clients and customers.

How do I ask a question on a website?

PS: 8 tips for writing better website survey questions

  1. Use simple language.
  2. Don’t ask multiple questions in one.
  3. Keep the number of questions to a minimum.
  4. Ask open-ended questions.
  5. Avoid loaded or leading questions.
  6. Start surveys with an easy multiple-choice question.
  7. Experiment with different questions.

What Web developers should ask clients?

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Here are nine crucial questions to ask your clients at the start of any web design project:

  • Describe your business in a few sentences.
  • Do you currently have a website?
  • What are your goals for this project?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What specific features do you want on the site?
  • How can we avoid failure?

What do most web developers use to make websites?

Web developers work with programming languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create websites and web applications. They will also most likely utilize other languages to set up email services, user authentication, databases, and other technical aspects of websites.

Where can I get answers to questions?


  • Questions and answers by
  • Ask a Librarian. Online reference service from the Library of Congress.
  • Brainly. Post questions a community of millions of students and teachers.
  • Chegg Study. Active community providing online tutoring and answers to academic questions.
  • Dummies.
  • eHow.
  • PolitiFact.
  • Quora.

How do websites get clients requirements?

Web Design Requirements – Advice Focused on Client Goals

  1. Make sure we are a good fit – Do you have an existing brand?
  2. Understand your goals and requirements.
  3. Explain our approach and capabilities.
  4. Confirm requirements and the business functions of your website.
  5. Propose an approach with a scope, budget, and schedule.
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What is the best developer platform?

Best Software Designing & Development Tools

Name Platform Link
Embold Windows, macOS Learn More
Collaborator Windows, macOS Learn More
Studio 3T Windows, macOS Learn More
Linx Windows Learn More

What are the best questions to ask in a website survey?

The key to a successful survey is asking the right questions at the right moment – then visitors are more likely to participate and share their thoughts. In this post, you’ll discover 20 crucial website survey question examples. 1. What was your first impression when you entered the website? The first impression matters.

What do you look for in a website?

A website of a bank should be trustworthy. A website of fashion e-commerce should look glamorous. Visitors should see what the website is about and what they can do. Tip: Ask this question on the main page, target only new visitors. 2. How did you first hear about us?

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How do I choose the right website for my business?

Take the websites you love and the websites you hate, then lay out a clear explanation of why for both cases. Now you’re getting a general picture of your ideal website in your head, but it’s important to really dive into the details to avoid wasting time, money, and patience in the process:

What makes a good website design?

All design should start with marketing. It’s marketing that determines what looks good visually. It’s marketing that determines the layout of the site. It’s marketing that constructs effective navigation layouts. It’s marketing that ensures the design adheres to best usability practices or considers the audience’s needs and requirements.