
When to use which feature selection method?

When to use which feature selection method?

1. Feature Selection Methods. Feature selection methods are intended to reduce the number of input variables to those that are believed to be most useful to a model in order to predict the target variable. Feature selection is primarily focused on removing non-informative or redundant predictors from the model.

Why feature selection must be considered before developing a ML model?

Feature selection is another key part of the applied machine learning process, like model selection. It is important to consider feature selection a part of the model selection process. If you do not, you may inadvertently introduce bias into your models which can result in overfitting.

Which feature selection method considers the selection of a set of features as a search problem?

Recursive Feature Elimination As I said before, wrapper methods consider the selection of a set of features as a search problem. From sklearn Documentation: The goal of recursive feature elimination (RFE) is to select features by recursively considering smaller and smaller sets of features.

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What are some methods to determine the best features to use in a machine learning model?

A. Filter methods

  • Chi-square Test. The Chi-square test is used for categorical features in a dataset.
  • Fisher’s Score.
  • Correlation Coefficient.
  • Dispersion ratio.
  • Backward Feature Elimination.
  • Recursive Feature Elimination.
  • Random Forest Importance.

How do you select best features for a decision tree?

Tree based models calculates feature importance for they need to keep the best performing features as close to the root of the tree. Constructing a decision tree involves calculating the best predictive feature. The feature importance in tree based models are calculated based on Gini Index, Entropy or Chi-Square value.

How do you determine the feature important in a decision tree?

Feature importance is calculated as the decrease in node impurity weighted by the probability of reaching that node. The node probability can be calculated by the number of samples that reach the node, divided by the total number of samples. The higher the value the more important the feature.

How can feature selection be used to identify significant features?

You can get the feature importance of each feature of your dataset by using the feature importance property of the model. Feature importance gives you a score for each feature of your data, the higher the score more important or relevant is the feature towards your output variable.

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What is feature selection and feature extraction?

Feature selection is for filtering irrelevant or redundant features from your dataset. The key difference between feature selection and extraction is that feature selection keeps a subset of the original features while feature extraction creates brand new ones.

Is feature selection necessary for decision tree?

For ensembles of decision trees, feature selection is generally not that important. During the induction of decision trees, the optimal feature is selected to split the data based on metrics like information gain, so if you have some non-informative features, they simply won’t be selected.

Do we need to do feature selection for decision tree?

What is feature selection in machine learning?

In machine learning, Feature selection is the process of choosing variables that are useful in predicting the response (Y). It is considered a good practice to identify which features are important when building predictive models. In this post, you will see how to implement 10 powerful feature selection approaches in R.

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Why feature selection plays a huge role in building a model?

All of the features we find in the dataset might not be useful in building a machine learning model to make the necessary prediction. Using some of the features might even make the predictions worse. So, feature selection plays a huge role in building a machine learning model.

Is there an optimal number of features for a machine learning model?

In fact, it is statistically proven that when performing a Machine Learning task there exist an optimal number of features which should be used for every specific task (Figure 1). If more features are added than the ones which are strictly necessary, then our model performance will just decrease (because of the added noise).

Why is it so hard to select statistical measures for feature selection?

These methods can be fast and effective, although the choice of statistical measures depends on the data type of both the input and output variables. As such, it can be challenging for a machine learning practitioner to select an appropriate statistical measure for a dataset when performing filter-based feature selection.