
When should I be concerned about discoloration?

When should I be concerned about discoloration?

Some causes, such as birthmarks, are not harmful and may not require treatment. Others, such as skin cancer and cyanosis, are likely to require immediate treatment. It is essential to see a doctor if any new discolored patches of skin appear or if existing moles change in any way.

Why does my arm have dark patches?

Age spots, which are sometimes called liver spots or solar lentigines, happen after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, says dermatologist Amy Kassouf, MD. They can be tan, brown or black, vary in size and usually appear on the areas most exposed to the sun such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms.

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Does skin discoloration go away?

It’s possible for skin discoloration to go away on its own as long as the damage is shallow. A light sunburn will often fade away within a few weeks or months. However, deeper hyperpigmentation takes years to go away, if it dissipates at all.

How do I get rid of discoloration?

Apple cider vinegar

  1. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a container.
  2. Apply to your dark patches and leave on two to three minutes.
  3. Rinse using lukewarm water.
  4. Repeat twice daily you achieve the results you desire.

Does liver cause dark skin?

It happens when proteins called porphyrins build up in your liver, then move into your bloodstream and make their way to your skin. It also causes: Darkening or lightening of your skin.

What illness makes you look tanned?

Addison’s disease facts* Addison’s disease is an endocrine or hormonal disorder characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin. Most cases of Addison’s disease are caused by autoimmune disorders.

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How do I get rid of discoloration on my arms?

Over-the-counter creams: Vitamin A cream or vitamin E cream can help reduce the appearance of skin discoloration and boost overall skin health. Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice twice per day to lighten skin areas that have darkened. This may reduce the appearance of discolored skin patches in six to eight weeks.

Why are my armpits darker than my skin?

Reduce darkened armpits Cause #1: Shaving. When you shave you cut the hairs off at, or just below, the surface of the skin. If your hairs are slightly darker than your skin color, they can give the appearance that your skin has a dark stain when it`s really just sub-surface hair.

Is it normal to have dark underarms?

If yes, you are not in this alone. Having dark underarms is not a disease or a medical condition. Dark underarms have been an embarrassing problem, both for men and women alike. But do you know the reasons why there can be a discoloration in the armpit area? Here are some reasons that may answer the question “Why do I have dark underarms?” 1.

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Why do my underarms look dark after shaving?

Shaving may also cause itching if a sharp razor is not used. Shaving too much will lead to skin hardening and skin darkening because of the irritation and abrasions caused. Waxing unwanted hair is a better alternative to switch to if you think shaving is causing your underarms to look dark.

What is darkened skin?

What is darkened skin? Darkened skin, or hyperpigmentation, is the appearance of patches of skin that become darker than the surrounding area. Hyperpigmentation can also diffusely involve the total skin surface of the body. The change in color happens when there is overproduction of melanin, the pigment normally found in the skin,