What would you see if you were a bird?

What would you see if you were a bird?

If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky , because I would always want to fly high. I would fly high to look over the city where I live, and it would be very cool. I would fly to the woods to see the beautiful scenery. If I were a bird I could find the answers to everything, and I could fly anywhere I want.

What would you enjoy doing most if you were a bird?

If I were to be a bird, I would like my life to be a beautiful blend of freedom of flying in the high skies and the love and care given by man. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird. This would give me an insight into what all exists in the atmosphere.

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What if I were a peacock?

If I were a peacock I would be one of the most beautiful birds of the world. I would live in the forest along with the other animals and birds. With other animals and birds, I would be living happily around the beauty of nature. The only work for me would be to search for food and roam around the forest.

Were Ia bird I would fly in the sky?

The subjunctive is used (among other things) when referring to hypothetical situations. The subjunctive form of “be” is “were”, even for the first person (I ). So you should say “If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.” I changed your “will” to “would” because that’s the right word for a hypothetical action.

What would I do if I was a parrot?

If I were a parrot I would fly through out the sky. I would repeat those lines that the people say and I would eat those yummy guavas with my red beak. I would even show the nature -the beauty of my green feathers. I would touch the clouds everyday meet new birds every morning….

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What would you do if you were a bird?

ADVERTISEMENTS: If I were to be a bird, I would like my life to be a beautiful blend of freedom of flying in the high skies and the love and care given by man. I see advantages in both and find it difficult to make a choice. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird.

Which is the national bird of India?

The Indian peacock
The Indian peacock, Pavo cristatus, the National Bird of India, is a colourful, swan-sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck.

Why did the peacock become proud?

The phrase comes from the plumage of the male peafowl (females are peahens). When a male is courting, he spreads his tail feathers, sometimes five feet in length, out in a fan pattern to attract a female. Thus, someone who is “proud as a peacock” is similarly “strutting his stuff”.

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Had I been a king I would have helped the poor?

Had I been a king, I _________….Conditional Sentence Exercise & Practice with Explanation.

had helped the poor would have helped the poor
have helped the poor helped the poor
Correct Answer: would have helped the poor
Explanation: Had + sub+ past participle form of verb + sub+ would have/ could have/ might have + past participle form of verb
