
What would have happened if computers had not been invented?

What would have happened if computers had not been invented?

Answer Expert Verified If computer was not invented then , we won’t be able to know and search such a great amount of information about our world. It sharps and opens our mind . But it also has many demerits like , people especially teens visits wrong sites which removes them from their path of success.

What is the main reason why computers were initially invented?

Why was the computer invented? The computer was invented in order to automate mathematical calculations that were previously completed by people. Charles Babbage is considered to be the “father” of the computer.

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What would the world be without computers?

It would be so difficult to spend a life without computers. We would not be aware of technology or what things are being discovered. We could get information by newspaper, television, radio or some other medium but on computers we can get it in detail. Life would be really difficult without computers.

Why is it important to be computer literate?

Efficiency and productivity. Computer literacy helps enhance efficiency, workflow and overall experience within the workplace. Employees can produce more in a shorter amount of time, freeing up resources to do more.

When and why was the computer invented?

The first computer that resembled the modern machines we see today was invented by Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871. He developed a device, the analytical engine, and worked on it for nearly 40 years. It was a mechanical computer that was powerful enough to perform simple calculations.

What if mobile phone has not invented?

So, there’s a chance that without smartphones, although the amount of knowledge we could instantly access would dramatically fall, our brain power would increase. Strangely, differences in the way our brains work wouldn’t be the only biological change – because we might also have smaller thumbs.

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How would life be like without computers?

We’d not be able to mail each other or chat with anyone. It would be so difficult to spend a life without computers. We would not be aware of technology or what things are being discovered. We could get information by newspaper, television, radio or some other medium but on computers we can get it in detail.

What would happen if the computer was never invented?

If you are going to rule out the kinds of computer used to generate mathematical tables, it’s back to the middle ages for a lot of engineering and shipping concerns. If the general-purpose electronic computer was never invented, it would have a huge effect on just about everything.

What would life be like without computers in the manufacturing industry?

Believe it or not most the materials for these items are made be a computer using CAD or CAM (computer aided design or computer aided manufacturing). I for one would believe life would be far more difficult. You would get less done in a day, some companies would not exist, for example Google Microsoft, apple, really any computing goods company.

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What is the history of computer technology?

The History of Computer Technology. Why was the computer invented? The computer was invented in order to automate mathematical calculations that were previously completed by people. Charles Babbage is considered to be the “father” of the computer.

Why are computers important in our daily life?

From online shopping and social networking to simple word processing and organization of data, computers have essentially become crucial to our sanity and survival in the 21 st century.