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What would happen if Jiraiya never died?

What would happen if Jiraiya never died?

Originally Answered: What would’ve happened if Jiraiya didn’t die? If Jiraiya didn’t die, he would’ve been able to let everyone in Konaha that Nagato wasn’t amongst the Pains in the Village hidden in the Rain. He also would’ve been able to relay all the info he gained while fighting them.

Is it possible for Jiraiya is alive?

If you watched Naruto growing up, you’ll know that there are certain deaths in the anime that you just can’t get over. Jiraiya’s death is one of those fictional loses that fans are still dealing with. And as it turns out, he is indeed a character who shares DNA with the legendary Sannin.

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Is jiraya still alive in Boruto?

Although Jiraiya ended up dying at the hands of his own student, Nagato Uzumaki, he appears to be back in Boruto. Although Jiraiya ended up dying at the hands of his own student, Nagato Uzumaki, he appears to be back, although as a clone created by Amado using Scientific Ninja Technology.

What if Jiraiya had not died in Naruto?

If Jiraiya had not died when he did in Naruto, he would certainly still be playing a big part in the events of the series. Only a handful of anime series have managed to achieve the level of success and popularity that the Naruto franchise has.

Why did Naruto build a statue of Jiraiya?

Grieving, Naruto didn’t want the Hidden Leaf to forget Jiraiya’s impact. Unfortunately, the body was lost, so Naruto decided to build a monument for Jiraiya in the forest just outside the village, carving the kanji for “teacher” in the stone.

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What do you think about Jiraiya?

Jiraiya was one of the members of the Legendary Sannin, which was coined by Hanzo of the Salamander. Jiraiya filled almost every criteria required for a ninja to become the Hokage. Arguably Jiraiya’s biggest flaw was sometimes he could be too laid back. He liked to have fun, that’s for sure.

Why did Tsunade almost kill Jiraiya?

This may sound disrespectful, but it was completely warranted, as Jiraiya was known for peeping in on women. Jiraiya had been doing things like this for years, and Tsunade almost killed him when she caught him trying to peep on her once.