
What was the writing Plato is famous for?

What was the writing Plato is famous for?

What is Plato known for? Plato’s most famous work is the Republic, which details a wise society run by a philosopher. He is also famous for his dialogues (early, middle, and late), which showcase his metaphysical theory of forms—something else he is well known for.

Why does the writer call Socrates the greatest of all Greek?

The writer calls him “The greatest of all the Greeks’ due to his following qualities : His Early Life : Like other boys of his age Socrates also went to school. There he learn music gymnastics science mathematics etc. A Good Teacher : Socrates loved to talk to the young men in the street.

What is Plato’s religion?

The proposals of Plato selected to be discussed will adhere to a general definition that religion is “a strong belief in a supernatural power that control human destiny”.

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What did Plato think happened after death?

As such, Plato believed that death and life were complementary and one came after the other. The same was with death and life: they were cyclic and therefore one came after the other. As such, the soul cannot die because there is life after death. Thirdly, he argued that the soul existed before the body.

Why did Plato reject the invention of writing?

All this reminds me of a famous passage in Plato’s dialogue Phaedrus 274c-277a; Plato in the mouth of Socrates rejects the invention of writing by the same reason that it will end up with memory, essential human faculty.

Did the early church destroy ancient books?

The disappearance of ancient books: the accidental disappearance of texts when no copyists of texts was found. Every now and then, the argument returns: the early Church destroyed texts that it did not like. Manuscripts were burnt, and their owners were not certain of their lives either.

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Why do ancient texts always disappear?

A surprisingly great number of ancient texts has survived in only one copy, which shows how vulnerable the process of transmission was. The best way to conceptualize the process is, therefore, that ancient texts always disappeared, unless a rich lord or lady decided to hire a scribe and copy a scroll.

How often did ancient texts have to be copied?

Ancient texts were typically written on papyrus, which is vulnerable. As a rule of the thumb, we can assume that a scroll had to be copied every century. If parchment was used, replacement could take place less frequently.