
What was the dumbest war in history?

What was the dumbest war in history?

4 More of the Stupidest Wars in World History

  1. The Pastry War. After his Mexico City pastry shop was destroyed by a lawless mob in 1828, a French chef named Remontel asked the Mexican government to pay damages, a request it promptly ignored.
  2. The War of Jenkins’ Ear.
  3. The Opium Wars.
  4. The Kettle War.

What war had the worst casualties?

World War II The war pitted the Allies and the Axis power in the deadliest war in history, and was responsible for the deaths of over 70 million people. Known for its genocidal campaign against the Jewish people, the war was also responsible for the deaths of more than 50 million civilians.

Which war claimed the most lives?

By far the most costly war in terms of human life was World War II (1939–45), in which the total number of fatalities, including battle deaths and civilians of all countries, is estimated to have been 56.4 million, assuming 26.6 million Soviet fatalities and 7.8 million Chinese civilians were killed.

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What was the worst war before ww1?

Ancient wars (before 500 AD)

War Death range Location
Samnite Wars 33,500+ Italy
Wars of Alexander the Great 142,000+ Middle East / North Africa / Central Asia / India
Punic Wars 1,250,000–1,850,000 Western Europe / North Africa
First Punic War 400,000+ Southern Europe / North Africa

What is the deadliest war in the world?

Death caused by such wars includes mass executions, genocides, or annihilation under the rule of ruthless dictators. World War II is often considered to be the deadliest war of all time, with an ultimate death toll estimated at around 85 million people. Below is a list of the most gruesome wars the world has ever seen in order of death toll.

How many people died in World War I?

World War I was among the largest wars in history with over 70 million military personnel which included 60 million Europeans. About 18.4 million people died as a result of the war.

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What are the strangest and most unusual deaths in history?

Here are the 10 strangest and most unusual deaths in history. One seemingly ordinary night, João Maria de Souza was sleeping soundly when, suddenly, a cow fell through the roof in his home in Caratinga, Brazil, and crushed him.

What was the bloodiest war in American history?

Civil War: The Civil War was the bloodiest war in our country’s history. An estimated 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War. That’s more Americans than died in both World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam combined. This amounted to 2 percent of the population at the time, which would be the equivalent to about 6 million Americans dying today.