
What was Falcone scared of?

What was Falcone scared of?

Crane instead put on a freakish Scarecrow Mask that he used in his experiments on Arkham Asylum’s inmates and gassed Falcone with Fear Toxin. Crane literally terrified his former partner-in-crime out of his mind and left him in a wild state of psychosis.

Does Joker know Bruce is Batman?

1 The Joker The Joker knows, but he can’t bring himself to listen. Throughout their storied relationship, the Joker has known Batman’s true identity and has chosen to ignore it. He simply can’t bring himself to care about Bruce Wayne the human.

When did Catwoman know Bruce Wayne was Batman?

In Batman volume 3 #10, the narration for the story is told through a letter Selina Kyle is writing Bruce Wayne. The letter makes it very clear she knows he’s Batman.

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What does Carmine Falcone want from Bruce Wayne?

In a flashback in The Long Halloween, gangster Vincent Falcone brings his dying son, Carmine (who had been shot several times by his rival, Luigi Maroni), to Thomas Wayne. Fearing Maroni would finish the job at a public hospital, he begs Wayne, one of the city’s best doctors, to perform surgery at Wayne Manor.

Is Carmine Falcone a good guy?

Despite their rivalry, he managed to keep on good terms with Sal Maroni before Penguin instigated the mob war. And despite Fish’s initial plan to kill Carmine, she was willing to give him a chance to retire from a life of crime and hand over the reigns of don, as she remembered that he was once a “good man”.

Was Alfred the first Batman?

A young version of Alfred, played by Jack Bannon, depicts him before he became the butler to the Wayne family in the television series Pennyworth. The character will be played by Andy Serkis in the 2022 film The Batman….

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Alfred Pennyworth
First appearance Batman #16 (April 1943)

Does Lex Luthor know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

A Batman v Superman noted how the ultimate edition of the film slyly reveals Lex Luthor knows that the Caped Crusader is actually Bruce Wayne. However, when Bruce Wayne/Batman confronted Lex Luthor in prison, audiences learned that Lex Luthor had deduced the Caped Crusader’s secret identity.

What does Bruce give Falcone to help him?

Bruce gives Falcone a small dose of Morphine, reducing the pain. Carmine asks what Bruce is and thanks him for the act, commenting that the act reminds him of Martha Wayne. Bruce strangles Falcone, demanding that he tells him the truth.

Who is Carmine Falcone in Gotham City?

Carmine Falcone was the head of the Falcone Crime Family and was the biggest crime lord in all of Gotham City . Carmine Falcone all but controlled Gotham City, and flooded it with drugs and crime.

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Who is Falcone in Batman The Telltale Series?

Carmine Falcone was a minor antagonist in Batman: The Telltale Series. Known as Gotham’s most powerful criminal, he had ties to crimes and offences, with enough to get him a life sentence in prison. Due to his indirect involvement in the Arkham conspiracy, Falcone became one of the first targets of the Children of Arkham.

Who is Carmine Falcone in the Telltale Series?

Carmine Falcone was a minor antagonist in Batman: The Telltale Series. Known as Gotham’s most powerful criminal, he had ties to crimes and offences, with enough to get him a life sentence in prison. Due to his direct involvement in the Arkham conspiracy, Falcone became one of the first targets of the Children of Arkham .