
What type of Christianity is in Europe?

What type of Christianity is in Europe?

Christianity. Most Europeans adhere to one of three broad divisions of Christianity: Roman Catholicism in the west and southwest, Protestantism in the north, and Eastern Orthodoxy in the east and southeast.

What is the main type of Christianity in America?

Protestant denominations
All Protestant denominations accounted for 48.5\% of the population, making Protestantism the most prevalent form of Christianity in the country and the majority religion in general in the United States, while the Catholic Church by itself, at 22.7\%, is the largest individual denomination.

What is the main difference between Christianity and other religions?

1. Every other religion teaches us to earn our way to God. Christianity is the only religion that teaches that God came to us. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died for us before we did a thing for Him.

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What is the difference between Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Christianity?

While the West believes that the elects are predestined but salvation can be lost if you are excommunicated. While worshiping, the Western Church promotes kneeling position in prayer while Eastern Orthodox places of worship have normally standing followers.

Where did evangelical Christianity come from?

Evangelical Christianity did not emerge from a vacuum in the 19th century. The core convictions and practices of the movement have roots in Puritanism, Methodism, and in 20th-century revivalism that marked European and American Christianity. The modern use of the term originated in the 20th century.

What does it mean to be a Christian?

Anyone can recognize the cultural or moral benefits of Christianity without embracing Christ or even belief in God at all. On the other hand, biblical Christianity is nothing less than a commitment to serving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the Son of God, and surrendering oneself to Him for salvation and forgiveness.