
What to say when civilians say thank you for your service?

What to say when civilians say thank you for your service?

How to Say ‘Thanks for Your Service’ in a Card or Text

  1. ‘You’re my hero. ‘
  2. ‘I have my freedoms because of you. ‘
  3. ‘Your service made it possible for all of us to be the country we are today. ‘
  4. ‘Thinking of you today.
  5. ‘We miss you at home, but we know you’re giving the ultimate sacrifice.

Why do we thank veterans for their service?

It’s more important than ever that our Veterans receive our support and gratitude for protecting the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. We can never repay the debt we owe them, yet they enter service knowing this, and so often live the rest of their lives with the wounds of having served.

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How do you thank someone for their military service?

I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Thank you for your service! I’m certain it comes with many sacrifices and I thank you and your family each and everyday. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I hold in my heart for our veterans.

Should you thank someone for their service?

Acknowledge Veterans for their service by saying a simple: “Thank you for your service.” Whether that’s on Facebook, a text message, a phone call, a letter, or an in-person greeting, a basic acknowledgment can go a long way. Veteran organizations are always looking for volunteers.

Do you say thank you for your service on Veterans Day?

That might be one of the better things to say to a veteran this Monday. You should probably avoid the common refrain, “Thank you for your service,” according to someone who should know. Veterans Day is to honor the service of people who have worn the uniforms of the armed forces.

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What to say in a thank you note to a veteran?

Veterans Day thank you messages

  1. Thank you for bravely doing what you were called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.
  2. Thank you for serving our nation, our debt can never be repaid.
  3. Thank you for defending our freedom.
  4. God bless you and thank you for your bravery.

What does “thank you for your service” mean?

Many civilians and veterans alike have good intentions when they say the phrase “thank you for your service.” In most cases, it is highly likely that their intentions are to acknowledge the sacrifice and selfless service that many veterans and service members have made.

Do you feel uncomfortable when civilians thank you for Your Service?

“I feel very uncomfortable when civilians say thank you for your service, because I don’t know what to say back,” said a veteran employed at a Cohen Clinic in Washington.

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Is it appropriate to say thank you to a veteran?

When you say thank you for anything in life, your intent is to express gratitude without pretense. But, if it’s just tired phrasing, then no one benefits from disingenuous remarks. For those in the no category, they caution against this phrase unless you’re aware of how that specific veteran feels about their service.

What does it mean when someone says “honor the Veterans”?

In most cases, it is highly likely that their intentions are to acknowledge the sacrifice and selfless service that many veterans and service members have made. Simply stating a phrase is one of the ways that they are choosing to honor the ones that they most likely see as allowing us to live the lifestyles that we do in a free land.