
What to say to someone who says they are better than you?

What to say to someone who says they are better than you?

Just say, “cool” or “congratulations,” and change the subject. If your friends are genuinely more knowledgeable about a topic than you are, it’s fine to be respectful of their knowledge, but if they are acting so superior that they refuse to let you contribute to the conversation, you need to stand up for yourself.

What does it mean when someone says you’re better than everyone?

adjective. someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident.

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Why does a person always think they are right?

“People who always need to be right tend to have fragile egos,” she says. When they feel as if their self-image has been threatened, they want to make themselves look bigger or smarter, so they blame others. It’s a coping mechanism to deal with insecurity, she explains.

What does it mean when someone thinks they are better than you?

Someone who thinks they are better than you feel that way because they feel very insecure in themselves. Deep down, they have very deep insecurities that they are afraid everyone else will see if they don’t act like they are better.

Are they just people or are they Better Than Me?

They’re just people; it’s me who subscribes to the “she’s better than me” mindset, and me who judges that one of us is prettier, more successful, happier. I make all these comparisons and then berate myself, first for being a lesser being than them, and then later for being irrational and silly.

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Is it normal to compare yourself to others?

It’s not an uncommon trait, comparing ourselves to others. But it seems to be a particularly bad habit for me. Perhaps because my brain is terrifically inventive; at my worst, I can find literally anything as proof that another woman is better than me. She’s beautiful.

What are some signs that another woman is better than you?

Perhaps because my brain is terrifically inventive; at my worst, I can find literally anything as proof that another woman is better than me. She’s beautiful. She’s slim. She has a successful career. She has money. She’s married. She has nice clothes. She has brown eyes. She has blue eyes. She has smaller hands. She has a red top.