
What to do in your life when you hate your job?

What to do in your life when you hate your job?

Here are five things you should do when you hate your job—that don’t involve storming out of the office and collecting an unemployment check.

  1. Assess Your Situation. It seems obvious, doesn’t it?
  2. Have the Tough Conversations.
  3. Switch Your Perspective.
  4. Vent About It.
  5. Do Your Best Work.

Should I quit my job if Im unhappy?

If you find yourself in a situation in which it is emotionally, physically, or mentally draining (or worse) for you even to show up to work, let alone get excited and perform at a high level—you need to leave.

Do you hate your life as a whole?

Often the emotions we experience are a reaction to our life circumstances, but also, very often they are not. So I want to suggest that you don’t hate your life as a whole. You could probably find a few things right now that are worth being grateful for: relative health, family members, food and water, a bed to sleep in.

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What is your purpose in life?

Your life purpose needs to be something that can NEVER end. If your purpose is something broader, you can always find a way to contribute to it, way into your old age. For me, my purpose is to find ways to maintain mental strength and help others do the same. And I can keep fulfilling this purpose until the day I die.

Is it wrong for me to ask what my purpose is?

As harsh as these words are, nothing is wrong with you for asking. As Mark further explained, life has no definitive answers most of the time. Everything in life is NOT knowing, and then still doing it. He was right when he said that some jackass on some website can’t know what your life purpose is or should be.

Does life ever get any better?

You hate your life. Maybe you hate school, hate your parents, hate yourself, or all three. You wonder whether life will ever get any better, or if it will always be this terrible. Good news first: Life will get better. You won’t always feel this hopeless or helpless.